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Second event GHLG: health sector corruption

Date:19 February 2015
Author:GHLG Blog

Yi Zhang, PhD, University of Groningen

Dear all,

We kindly invite you to the second event of our  Global Health Law Groningen  initiative on  Monday 9th March from 16.00 – 18.00 , in Turftoren 14  (T-building on Uurwerkersgang, University of Groningen, the Netherlands).
The second event focuses on health sector corruption as an important issue of concern under international human rights law, health law, and global health governance. This session seeks to provide various legal and practical responses to the problems of corruption in the health systems.

We are very pleased that  Professor Dean Harris  will come to Groningen to give us a presentation on ‘Corruption in Health Systems – From A Global Perspective’. Dean Harris is a Clinical Associate Professor at Department of Health Policy and Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the United States.

After Professor Harris’ introduction, we will have a discussion on different cases of corruption happening in all the branches of health sector, both in developing and developed countries. Ms Yi Zhang will present her findings on health sector corruption in China, to kick off the debate. The discussion will be informal in nature, hopefully triggering lots of interesting questions. After that, Dr. A. Hallo De Wolf will bring us back to the topic of (health sector) corruption and human rights.

Please save the date and spread the word! And feel free to link with our group via: Webpage/LinkedIn/Twitter.

Introduction of Keynote Speaker



Professor Harris received his B.A. degree in Asian Studies from Cornell University in 1973, and received his J.D. degree with high honors from the University of North Carolina School of Law in 1981. At UNC, he teaches courses on health law, comparative health systems, and global perspectives on ethical issues.

Professor Harris is the author of Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law and Ethics, (4th edition), which was published by Health Administration Press in 2014, and Ethics in Health Services and Policy: A Global Approach, which was published by Jossey-Bass/John Wiley & Sons, Inc., in 2011. He is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association and the European Association of Health Law

He frequently travels to Europe and Asia to give lectures, seminars, and training programs. Examples of his recent presentations include “The Role of Law and Regulation in Health Systems” (October 13, 2014, Santander, Spain); “Informal Payments as a Barrier for Access to Care” (Toulouse, France, July 1, 2014); “Privatisation of Health Care – Consequences?” (Riga, Latvia, April 29, 2014); “Universal Ethics, Universal Human Rights?” (Innsbruck, Austria, October 16, 2014); “Bioethical Issues in China: Corruption, Transplants, and Human Rights” (Tokyo, Japan, December 16, 2014); and “Obamacare: Progress and Issues of U.S. Health Reform” (Shanghai, China, December 10, 2013).

In addition, Professor Harris is a licensed attorney. He practiced law from 1981 to 1999, with a primary focus on representation of health care organizations and providers.  In his work in the health care field, he has provided legal advice and representation in areas such as antitrust law, certificate of need and other regulatory matters, corporate reorganization, medical staff membership and clinical privileges, Medicare and Medicaid, professional licensure, and patient care issues.

His interests include the use of law and regulation as tools for health system reform, global perspectives on ethical issues in health policy and management, improving systems for handling medical disputes, and capacity building for regulation in public health.


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