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Guest Blog Post – Invitation to Write for our Blog

Date:18 August 2015
Author:GHLG Blog

If you have any great content that would like to share with other readers, we have some good news! From now on, we will be accepting guest blog posts and we would like to encourage all of you to write something for our blog!!!

If you are interested in posting a guest article, comments or any idea on our blog, here are some things you could write about:

  • summary of your recent work (publications, reports)
  • summary of your (Master) thesis, including your main findings or questions
  • announcements of relevant events (conferences, seminars, call for papers)
  • (changes in) health legislation in your country or at the regional or UN level
  • relevant case law from judicial or quasi-judicial bodies
  • domestic and international health policies, trends and developments
  • observations based on other people’s work in our field

We look forward to receiving your input!

If you have any questions about writing a post for our blog or you want to publish your article on our blog, please write us an e-mail to yi.zhang and we will respond to you in a timely manner.


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