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Conceptualising Corruption as a Violation of Human Rights in Indonesia: An Introduction

Date:15 June 2023
Ratna Juwita - GCHL-member Ratna Juwita was recently interviewed by the Illicit Trade Research Group (ITG) concerning her involvement with ITG. ITG is one of the University of Groningen’s research groups under the theme of Development, Security, and Justice, which is one of the research themes of the Rudolf Agricola School of Sustainable Development.

Disparities in the health care system in the post-pandemic era

Date:25 May 2023
Roxani Fragkou - GCHL-member Roxani Fragkou recently had the privilege of addressing a keynote speech at the Seminar on Current Challenges in Medical Law, whichtook place on 3-4 May in Göttingen (Germany) and was co-organised by Medical Law Göttingen in cooperation with the European Association of Health Law.


Date:19 May 2023
Dean M. Harris - Anti-abortion groups and politicians in the US have been using misleading information about abortion laws in other countries. Their goals include convincing the US Congress to enact a federal law that would generally prohibit abortion in all US states after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

The role of human rights law in preventing oral NCDs

Date:10 May 2023
Dominique Mollet, Brigit Toebes - The following poster has been presented on 5 May 2023 at the 17th World Congress on Public Health taking place in Rome, Italy, emphasizing the need to break the silo of oral health and push this topic forward on public health agendas.

The drought in the Horn of Africa and States’ responsibility under the right to health

Date:07 November 2022
Michael Woldeyes - The Horn of Africa is dealing with a severe drought. The United Nations (hereafter UN) reported that this drought threatened 13 million people with hunger. The UN news report reads: “Three consecutive failed rainy seasons in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia have decimated crops and caused abnormally high livestock deaths, while, shortages of water and pasture are forcing families from their homes and triggering conflict between communities”.


Date:02 November 2022
Dean M. Harris - Former US President Donald Trump is out of the White House--at least for now. However, one of his legacies is an extremely right-wing Supreme Court. With its new right-wing majority, the Supreme Court overruled the longstanding abortion precedent of Roe v. Wade . On June 24, 2022, the Court held that the US Constitution does not include a right of access to abortion. Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Org ., 142 S.Ct. 2228 (2022). Therefore, state governments may prohibit or severely restrict abortion, as many states have already done. 

Climate change - International legal obligations and the global South

Date:02 November 2022
Suliyat Omotolani Olapade - In October, 2022, authors from over 260 academic health journals endorsed a Comment in The Lancet Global Health by African health journal editors calling for urgent action for Africa and the world on climate change. The Comment repeated the moral and practical reasons for urgent action now, yet overlooked compelling legal arguments.

Learning the Lessons of the COVID-19 Pandemic: introducing the Human Rights Principles for Public Health Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response

Date:20 October 2022
Gabriel Armas-Cardona - One of the major questions we are asking ourselves now is what have we, as policymakers, as global health actors, as humanity, learned from the pandemic. There has been a deluge of scientific research on COVID-19 in the last 2.5 years, vastly increasing our knowledge of the disease and its impacts. But, have we incorporated the lessons learned into global and domestic policy?

Call for Contributions ensuring equitable, affordable, timely and universal access for all countries to vaccines in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

Date:10 October 2022
Suliyat Omotolani Olapade - At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, some high-income countries (HICs) enacted laws and undertook other measures that resulted in restricted access to COVID-19 vaccines and related commodities in low-income countries (LICs). It was reported, for example, that the United Kingdom enacted laws to prevent the exportation of essential medicines, the European Union curbed exports of hospital supplies, and the USA restricted PPE [personal protective equipment] exports.

Public health in a post-Covid(?) world: the Dutch edition

Date:04 October 2022
Pepijn Tukker & Dominique Mollet - For the past two years, there has been increased attention for (public) health-related topics among policy makers. However, due to new global crises, such as the war in Ukraine, Covid-19 is no longer the headliner of daily news and newspapers, and policymakers’ focus is shifting away: public health appears to lose its momentum as a topic for discussion.