GSNLT Coordinators

Monique van Cauwenberghe is coordinator of the GSNLT. She is a prospective PhD researcher at the Faculty of Law, University of Groningen conducting research on localising the right to mental health in climate disaster induced internal displacement contexts. She has an MA in International Development Practice from Monash University and has recently completed her LLM in International Human Rights Law at the University of Groningen. Her previous experiences include various roles in the non-profit sector, in particular addressing health literacy for migrant, refugee and asylum seeker communities.
Contact: m.v.c.van.cauwenberghe

Prof. Brigit Toebes is employed by the University of Groningen Faculty of Law and is scientific director of the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health. Her research, which is embedded in the Groningen Centre for Health Law, is at the intersection of health law, international law and human rights. Within this, she is particularly interested in 'public health law' as a field that is developing rapidly, and in which international standards play a crucial role. She facilitates research into the regulation of behavioural risk factors such as smoking, unhealthy diets, alcohol consumption and drugs. In her role at the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health she frequently seeks the interaction with other disciplines and with societal partners. Together with Maartje Bal and Stephanie Putri Hartono she coordinates the Global Scientific Network on Law and Tobacco (GSNLT).

Maartje Bal is a student from the Netherlands who grew up in Portugal. She has completed a Bachelors Degree in International and European Law and is currently completing a Masters in International Human Rights Law at the University of Groningen. Together with Stephanie she manages the GSNLT LinkedIn page.
Last modified: | 06 January 2025 2.18 p.m. |