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About us Faculty of Law Education Practical information Step-by-step admission LLB programme

Are you admissible?

Your admissibility to the LLB International and European Law depends on your previous education. The table below shows you a brief overview of how to apply and to which phase of the programme you can be admitted, based on your previous education. Please be aware that this part only sees to your qualification (degree) and that the other admission requirements, as stated here, are also applicable.

Starting in
VWO diploma
year 1

Any VWO profile is admissible.

HBO first year certificate International and European Law
year 1

Only students who have successfully completed the first year of the International and European Law programme of The Hague University of Applied Science are admissible to the first year of the LLB programme.

Foreign pre-university education
year 1

Check the admission requirements for the LLB programme.

Transfer from a research university
year 1
Transferring from another Bachelor of Laws programme at a research university is possible. You will have to start in year 1, but it is possible to be granted exemptions for courses similar to courses in the LLB programme. This might shorten your programme.

Step-by-step admission LLB programme

Transferring credits

'HBO' bachelor
year 1
Any successfully completed HBO bachelor degree programme grants admission to our LLB programme. Please be aware that if you have taken this HBO bachelor degree programme in the Netherlands, the University tuition fees II will be applicable to you!
'HBO' Bachelor of Laws
via pre-master to master

Students holding a Law degree in the Netherlands at a University of Applied Science ('HBO Recht'/International and European Law at The Hague University of Applied Sciences) can be admitted to a pre-master's programme. All English-taught LLM programmes offer a pre-master's programme.

Non-law Bachelor (research university)
via pre-master to master
Students who have completed a bachelor's degree at research university level in a different field altogether can be admitted to a pre-master's programme. All English-taught LLM programmes offer a pre-master's programme.
Bachelor of Laws (research university)
If you wish to participate in one of our LLM programmes, but did not participate in one of our bachelors which grant direct access? Please check the admission requirements for the LLM programmes and apply online.
Admission via online application; for questions please contact the Admissions Office (llm.admission

Last modified:05 January 2024 12.25 p.m.
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