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Faculty of Law Team Advances to the International Rounds of the Telders Moot Court Competition

Date:06 May 2024

A team from the Faculty of Law has qualified for the international rounds of the 2024 Telders Moot Court Competition, which will take place at the end of May in the Hague.

The team, made up of second-year LLB students from the International and European Law Programme, includes Lavinia Stoppani, Zacharia El Khamloussy, Peter Čapkovič,  Daniel Sarasua Lazaro, and their coach, Dr. Marina Fortuna, Assistant Professor of Public International Law in the Transboundary Legal Studies Department.

As part of the competition, the team had to submit two memorials, one on behalf of each State, and to present their pleadings, firstly, in the national rounds. The team’s submissions showcased a comprehensive analysis of the law and case law, all neatly tied together in logical and convincing arguments. The team’s oral pleadings were equally impressive. Each member of the team delivered their arguments with confidence and clarity and handled the questions from the bench in a highly professional manner. They responded to challenging questions from the judges with quick and well-reasoned answers.

Their teamwork was evident throughout, with each member playing a crucial role in presenting a cohesive case. Overall, the team's performance reflected a deep commitment to excellence and a passion for international law.

The team extends its sincere gratitude to everyone who helped them prepare for the pleadings in the national rounds, especially Prof. Panos Mekouris, Prof. André de Hoogh, Prof. Marcel Brus, and Dr. Nina Mileva. A special thanks also to Rachel Deasy and Iurie Patricheev, LLM Public International Law students, who did a fantastic job representing the Faculty at the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition earlier this year, for their invaluable assistance acting as judges during the team's practice for the oral rounds. Finally, thank you to the board of the Transboundary Legal Studies department for their support in making the team's participation in the competition possible.


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Tags: Moot Court, LLM, LLB
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