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Definitions of educational formats & levels of courses


Lectures are sessions during which the lecturer speaks and the students mainly listen to the lecturer. Depending on the nature of the course, the inclination of the lecturer and the programme phase, a lecture can be characterized as:

  • showing the main issues;
  • providing insight in the structure of the course;
  • discussion of bottlenecks;
  • focusing on current issues in the field of expertise;
  • showing links between theory and practice;
  • providing insight in methods of problem solving.

Working groups

Working groups aim at supporting the lectures. They also serve to teach skills. Students are expected to take a proactive stance in working groups. This would e.g. mean:

  • to prepare assignments which will be discussed during the working groups;
  • to act actively and in a participating manner during a working group session.

It is always advisable to attend working groups. Some courses however have a compulsory attendance. Please check the course information in Ocasys carefully. For some courses not meeting the compulsory attendance requirements have consequences for examination participation. Some courses also have the possibility to earn a bonus.

The number of students in a working group is usually 25 to 30.


Practicals have a practical approach: you will practice skills and carry out assignments. Assessment usually takes place at the end of the practical in the form of an assignment. The lecturers only have a guiding and supporting role.


A seminar is a way to impart both academic and legal skills. It has a research approach. Students will undertake research, carry out assignments, give presentations and write papers.

It is a training in academic reasoning, in which, after a proper analysis has taken place, a (creative) solution for a legal question is clearly presented with arguments.

The following academic skills will be trained:

  • logical reasoning, arguing, creative thinking, analysing problems, making links;
  • verbal skills: arguing and formulating;
  • communicative skills: communicating, presenting and persuading, listening, reading.

Legal skillsinclude:

  • employ a legal perspective;
  • adequate usage of descriptive and prescriptive aspects;
  • understanding and applying legal texts;
  • finding and applying jurisprudence.

A seminar includes theseactivities:

  • selection of relevant literature;
  • developing a research question;
  • to make a written and an oral presentation of the findings plus a defence thereof or a discussion about it;
  • to comment on the findings of fellow students;
  • if possible, a joint final publication, preferably on the internet.

Law in Practice

Law in Practice is a generic name for all activities that offer you the option to apply law or legal science in practice, get acquainted with the labour market and to practice skills that are deemed important when working as a law. These Law in Practice options can be conducted either within the Faculty or outside the Faculty. This can include internships, legal aid work in Law Clinics, joining Moot Courts, Masterclasses, etc. More information about Law in Practice can be found on the Careeer Services Law page, in Ocasys (at both bachelor and mster-level) and in the item ‘Law in Practice’ in this Law Knoweldgebase.

Definitions of levels of courses


Indicates that the course can only be taken in the Bachelor’s programme and the course belongs to the propaedeutic phase (1styear).

Accessible for:
Students registered in the first year (propaedeutic phase) of a Bachelor’s degree programmeorstudents who are enrolled in a pre-Master programme or special admission programme.


Indicates that the course can only be taken or recognised in the Bachelor’s degree programme. The course belongs to the post-propaedeutic stage (2ndand 3rdyear).

Accessible for:

1. Students registered in the post-propaedeutic phase of a Bachelor’s degree programmeand/or

2. Students registered in the first year (propaedeutic phase) of a Bachelor’s degree programme who are conditionally admitted by the Board of Examiners to the post-propaedeutic stageand/or

3. Students who have received a positive binding study adviceor

4. Students who are registered in a pre-Master programme or special admission programme.


Indicates that the course can be taken or recognised by students either in the Bachelor’s degree or the Master’s degree programme.

To be taken for both Bachelor students and Master students

Courses at M4 level can be recognised both in the Bachelor’s and the Master’s examinations. Students must decide to take such course during the Bachelor or the Master. An M4 course which is part of the Bachelor’s examination cannot be part of the Master’s examination. The course should be included in the programme for which you are registered at the time of successful completion of this course.

If you have passed such course in the Bachelor’s degree programme and the course is a compulsory part of the Master’s degree programme, students can request an exemption for the course in the Master’s degree programme. The exempted credits should then be complemented by (an) extra optional course(s). Please also check the Teaching and Examination Regulations for the master programmes.

Accessible for:

1. Students registered in a Master’s degree programmeand/or

2. Students registered in a Bachelor’s degree programme and who have completed their propaedeutic phaseand/or

3. Students registered for a pre-Master programme or special admissions programme.


Indicates that the course can only be taken or recognised in the Master’s degree programme.

Accessible for:

1. Students enrolled for a Master’s degree programme


Indicates that the course is only open to students from other faculties.


1. the course is specially designed for that other facultyor

2. the course is specially designed as a minor course for students from other faculties.

Last update on 21-7-2023

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