Call for Submissions Special Issue

Call for Submissions of Papers to Special Issue with BRILL Open Law.
'International Law for the Sustainable Development Goals'
The Department of International Law, University of Groningen, with its 2017-2019 Workshop Series has set off to explore the relevance of international law to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Having successfully concluded the 1st Workshop on International Law for the SDGs: Prospects & Challenges? (May 2017) and the 2nd Workshop on Financing and the Right to Science in Technology Transfer in the SDGs (November 2017) we are we now launching the Special Issue on 'International Law for the Sustainable Development Goals' with BRILL Open Law .
The Workshop Series is built up around a number of themes , and a concept note , which can be found on the website . We warmly welcome submission of papers which address the relationship of international law (broadly conceived) with the SDGs, in line with these themes, or other aspects. At a minimum, papers need to have an explicit link to one or more SDGs and to their content and explain how international law provides opportunities or poses challenges for achieving these goals.
The Workshop Series has an open access cooperation agreement with the new, innovative publication platform Brill Open Law. Brill Open Law is a fully open access journal on international law, focusing on high quality, peer-reviewed publications. More specifically:
- The Special Issue on IL4SDGs will run through 2018.
- All articles submitted to the Special Issue by end of June 2018 will be considered for open access publication free of charge. Please submit before this deadline, however, so we can start the peer review process right away (see below).
- The Issue will include contributions coming out of the Workshop Series, along with other papers that will be accepted to be published. The lead organisers of the Workshop Series - Mando Rachovitsa and Marlies Hesselman – will edit this issue.
- In principle, the benefit of a running Issue, is that articles will be published immediately upon final acceptance, avoiding publication delays, and will be disseminated via BRILL’s resources.
- Copyright remains with the author and papers are published under a Creative Commons License 4.0.
- Submitted papers are subject to external, double-blind, peer-review process following the standards and guidelines of BRILL Open Law.
The deadline to submit your papers to BRILL Open Law is set for the 28th June 2018. The editors strongly encourage that interested authors approach them to discuss their ideas and drafts in advance so to ensure a concerted focus throughout the Special Issue.
The Author Guidelines are available here . For any questions or informal inquiries, do not hesitate to contact Dr Mando Rachovitsa a.rachovitsa or Ms Marlies Hesselman m.m.e.hesselman .
Last modified: | 14 January 2022 3.08 p.m. |