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Groningen Centre of Energy Law (GCEL) organizes a seminar on carbon capture and storage

17 November 2009

Date:  Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th November
Time: 09.00 - 16.30 hours
Venue: Martiniplaza, Groningen

The Groningen Centre of Energy Law (GCEL) specializes, inter alia, in the legal framework for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). At the Energy Delta Convention 2009, GCEL will give a follow-up of the CCS developments in the EU. In addition to an overview of legal and policy developments in some European jurisdictions, we will also discuss several subjects in more detail such as the organization of piped transportation of CO2 and the regulation of third party access to storage and pipeline facilities. Papers will be presented by members of GCEL and other national and/or international experts. Finally, GCEL will present during the EDC 2009 a monograph on the “Legal Design of Carbon Capture and Storage in the Netherlands from an International and EU Perspective”, edited by Martha Roggenkamp and Edwin Woerdman (respectively director and co-director of the centre).

Program of the event Legal Framework for Carbon Capture Storage

Day 2
November 17

Venue: Martiniplaza, Groningen

09.15 - 13.30

EDC-Platform Program

Day 2:

CCS – International and Infrastructure Developments

13.30 - 15.00

Session A: Developing CCS – An International Perspective

  • Joana Chiavari, IEA: Overview of international CCS developments
  • Debbie Stockwell, DECC/UK (to be confirmed): Developing CCS in China
  • Anatole Boute, University of Groningen: CCS as JI or CDM project

15.00 - 15.45

Coffee Break & Networking Opportunity

15.45 - 17.15

Session B: Developing CCS Infrastructure – The Role of the State and TPA

  • Heleen Groenenberg, ECN: Who develops CO2 pipelines and what is the role of the State?
  • Bart Jan Hoevers, Gasunie: How to organize the use of CO2 pipelines
  • Hans Vedder & Martha Roggenkamp, University of Groningen : Regulating access to CO2 pipelines and storage

17.15 - 22.00

EDC-Platform Program

Day 3
November 18

Venue: Martiniplaza, Groningen

Day 3:

CCS – EU, National and Regional Perspectives

09.00 - 10.30

Session C : CCS in the North of the Netherlands – A Case Study

  • Martha Roggenkamp & Kars de Graaf, University of Groningen: (Un)knowns in the legislative framework
  • Laut van Seventer, RWE: Developing CCS in the Eemshaven
  • Jaap Siemons, Province of Groningen: CCS Challenges

10.30 - 11.15

Coffee Break & Networking Opportunity

11.15 - 13.00

EDC-Platform Program

13.00 - 14.00

Networking Lunch

14.00 - 15.30

Session D.  Developing CCS in the EU

  • Malte Kohls, White & Case: Developing CCS in Germany
  • Silke Goldberg, Herbert Smith / University of Groningen: Developing CCS in the UK
  • Mette Agerup, Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy: Developing CCS in Norway

15.30 - 18.15

EDC-Platform Program

Last modified:22 January 2024 09.39 a.m.
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