The Master of Pedagogical Sciences offers three part-time tracks. These are English-taught tracks.
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For the list of courses, see the online catalogue |
You can read more about the structure of that course on the page of the respective track.
Programma-opties |
Youth 0-21, Society & Policy (track) (specialisatie) Our aim is to increase the quality of upbringing, care and education by improving policies and interventions for young people and their social and learning contexts. Do you want to...
You can also follow this programme in full-time. |
Deafblindness (track) (specialisatie) Would you like to analyse and improve the possibilities of deafblind people? Then this is the programme for you. The Master's degree in Deafblindness is a unique programme during which you acquire theoretical and methodological skills. These skills will enable you to analyse the impact of combined visual and hearing impairments (“deafblindness”) on development, daily functioning and quality of life. You will learn to apply this knowledge in the contexts of research, assessment and intervention. The programme is especially interesting for those who are already working as professionals and who would like to expand their basic knowledge and research skills. The programme starts with the course Introduction to people with deafblindness. In this course, you will learn about fundamental developmental processes, including topics like early symbolic communication embodied cognition, and the acquisition of sign language. After the introductory course, students receive coaching in methodology. You will also perform a practical training and write a learner's report. In addition, you will carry out research and write a Master's thesis. |
Ethics of Education: History, Pedagogy and Critical Sociology (specialisatie) Bij veel van de vraagstukken die een rol spelen in maatschappelijke en professionele discussies over onderwijs en opvoeding is een interdisciplinaire blik noodzakelijk. Maar waarom en hoe werkt dat? Vraagstukken over kansenongelijkheid, religieuze diversiteit, burgerschap, passend onderwijs en zeggenschap (ouders, professionals, kinderen) vragen om historische contextualisering, juridische inkadering, filosofische duiding en ethische doordenking en beslissing. Deze interdisciplinariteit is verankerd in het curriculum van de mastertrack Ethics of Education. De docenten in deze opleiding hebben expertise op het gebied van onderwijsfilosofie, ethiek, historische pedagogiek, kinderrechten en diversiteitsvraagstukken en gaan met studenten het gesprek aan om met elkaar dergelijke urgente vraagstukken op te pakken. In deze track krijg je theoretische concepten en professionele tools aangereikt om educatieve en pedagogische kwesties te beschouwen vanuit meerdere perspectieven. Je leert morele problemen en discussies te analyseren met het oog op het vormen van beleid en bij te dragen aan besluitvormingsprocedures rond concrete dilemma’s in de praktijk van onderwijs en opvoeding. Bijvoorbeeld in problemen en discussies als:
Je kunt deze master ook in voltijd volgen. |
You can find information on job prospects on the pages of the relevant track:
Career services BSS
Where do you
want to work after your studies? You can contact
already during
your studies. They will help you orientate on your career, develop
your skills, apply for jobs and find an internship.