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Lustrum: making connections
Lustrum: making connections Programme

Generation Event

When? Thursday May 23, 15:00 - 17:00
Where? Room 5419.0011 (Kapteynborg), Landleven 12, Groningen


How can different generations collaborate in the workplace, and what lessons can we learn from our older or younger colleagues? These questions are at the center of our interactive workshop 'What's in your mind?', in which we will not only exchange knowledge but also embark on a journey of discovery together.

Guided by Susanne Scheibe, professor of organizational psychology and an expert in aging at work, you will have the opportunity in this workshop to explore with an older or younger colleague how you can collaborate even better. This workshop is for pairs with an age difference of at least 15 years, aiming to stimulate a valuable exchange of insights. Don't miss out!

What: Interactive workshop 'What's in your mind?'
Capacity: max. 20 participants (10 couples)

Drinks afterwards.

Last modified:17 May 2024 09.38 a.m.
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