Specific courses in impact-related topics

Corporate Academy provides courses for University of Groningen staff members. RISe short-listed the courses we find relevant to your research's impact, at any stage of your research impact development.
Some of these courses require a fee. Ask your manager or an
education consultant from HR-Experts
about the possibilities.
Relevant courses
Impact stage
Plan Your Impact
Learn your strengths as a scientist, how to identify the most strategic subjects of your research, how to shape your own project proposal, and how to convince reviewers to support your application. |
2 afternoons
Get tools to manage yourself and your work in order to increase your productivity and to experience peace of mind.
3 days
Learn what grants are about, what grant agencies are and what they want, what a strong CV for your personal grant entails, and when to start with what.
1.5 hours
Learn how you can contribute to conducting an open, transparent, merit-based recruitment process. Learn how to deal with complex decision-making processes that involve members of different hierarchical levels and with different interests.
3 x 2 hours
Boost your knowledge of financial management so that you can play an equal part when thinking, talking, and deciding about financial matters.
3 days
Share & Disseminate Your Research
Discover your own personal presentation style, how to deal with presentation fear, how to tell a good story, how to tailor your presentation to your audience, how to speak in a structured way and with more confidence.
2 days
Build a visual story based on scientific research. Give your narrative a stronger sense of place.
1 afternoon
Learn how to formulate a brief but powerful message, how to attract media attention, and how to best handle the media, social media, and the responses that you may receive.
1 day
Learn about entrepreneurship from both academic and practitioner perspectives. Develop skills of an entrepreneur while solving real industry challenges.
7 evenings
Last modified: | 14 October 2024 2.48 p.m. |