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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Open Access

Open Access Policy

The University of Groningen (UG) and the University Medical Center (UMCG) consider open access publishing a priority. They aim to further encourage it among the academic community and make it simple and feasible in every discipline.

To realise this ambition, the Board of the University launched an Open Access Policy.

The policy does not introduce new requirements for UG- and UMCG-affiliated authors. It rather explains the available publishing options for researchers and crystallises existing practices.

The document presents different routes for the open access publishing of academic journal articles, book chapters and books, including the UG’s regulations for archiving articles in Pure and provides funding instruments such as the UG’s open access book fund and the diamond open access fund.

It is accompanied by a decision tree illustrating the available routes to open access for UG and UMCG authors.

Last modified:28 March 2023 4.01 p.m.