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Internationale Betrekkingen en Internationale Organisatie

IRIO has an academic staff of more than 40 members. Their disciplinary background vary and range from political science to economics, from history to sociology, from public administration to international law. With regard to teaching, there is structural cooperation with the departments of History, International and European Law, International Economics and Business, as well as with the language departments of English, Spanish, German, and French. Some of the staff members have worked in IGOs, NGOs, ministries or in international research institutes. This, in combination with a wide variety of cultural backgrounds, provides for a stimulating and lively working environment.

drs. B.L. AardemaDocent
A. Achenbach
dr. D. AhmadiUniversitair docent Donya Ahmadi is Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Groningen. She teaches various courses at the department of International Relations and International Organization, including a MA Research Seminar titled 'Race, Class, and Gender Intersectionality'. Her current research project concerns the (re)-gendering of contemporary Iranian historiography, through documenting and highlighting the crucial role played by women activists in the political developments of 20th and 21th century Iran.

Relatedly, her broader research addresses an intersectional feminist critique of Iranian nationalism, and its historical and contemporary manifestations through gendered processes and embodied practices of assimilation.

Internationale Betrekkingen
S.A. Alt, DrUniversitair Docent International political theory, biopolitical theory, critical perspectives on development and environmental politics Internationale Betrekkingen
C.I. Andrä, PhD Theoretical, Historical and Critical Approaches to War and Peace; Knowledge in International Politics; Peace and Conflict Studies; Interpretive and Creative Methods; Arts&Crafts in International Relations Internationale Betrekkingen
drs. E. AykaçPhD student Turkije, Turks buitenlands beleid, discoursanalyse, EU-Turkije relaties, de Koerdische kwestie Politicologie
Internationale Betrekkingen
A.G. Bayramov, DrAssistant Professor International Relations The Caspian Sea,  Azerbaijan, Energy Geopolitics, and Security & Cooperation in Eurasia, Climate Change, Infrastructure Politics, Transnational Corporations. Internationale Betrekkingen
F. Belafatti, MScPhD student
S.J.N. van Bockstael, DrUniversitair Docent Globalisation Studies and Humanitarian Action Humanitaire interventies en peacekeeping operaties, gewapend conflict, ontwikkelingssamenwerking, artisanale mijnbouw (vnl. diamant en goud), Afrikaanse politieke en veiligheidsvraagstukken Internationale Betrekkingen
O. BozkayaVisiting PhD Student European Union, Climate-induced migration
M.A. Campbell-Verduyn, PhDSenior Lecturer (UD1) in International Political Economy My research is generally concerned with the roles of emergent technologies, non-state actors and expert knowledge in contemporary global governance. In particular, I study the on-going and varying implications of big data and blockchain technologies at the intersections of global environmental, financial and security governance.  Internationale Betrekkingen
Sociale Wetenschappen, Interdisciplinaire
H.C. CanPhD student Energy Diplomacy International Relations Internationale Betrekkingen
Energie & Brandstoffen
M.C.M. Casiraghi, PhD I am an Assistant Professor of International Relations at University of Groningen. Previously, I was a Marie Skłodowska Curie Global Fellow at University of Warwick and University of Denver. I work on international norms, diplomatic visits, military operations, populism, and visual politics. I have published articles on the Journal of Peace Research, the European Journal of Political ResearchPolitical Psychology, and International Studies Quarterly amongst others. I am currently supervising a Ph.D. student from the University of Genoa (Italy) and I am always available to supervise new projects, especially in these sub-fields: armed conflict, armed non-state actors, public opinion on war, diplomatic visits, visual analysis, survey experiments. Internationale Betrekkingen
Sociale Wetenschappen, Kwantitatieve Methoden
T. Cetinoglu, PhDSociologie
D. Choi
D. Ciobanu
J. Costa López, DrHistory of International Political Thought, History of International Relations, Medieval Canon and Roman Law, Politics of History, Historical Narratives in Contemporary Populism, Early Exploration, Religion in International Relations.Internationale Betrekkingen
J.P. Crane-Seeber, DrUniversitair Docent, IRIO Dr. Jesse Crane-Seeber holds a BA in “Resisting Hegemony,” a major of his own design, from Ithaca College (Ithaca, NY, USA), and a PhD in International Relations from American University (Washington, DC, USA). His research has covered the US military as a sociological worksite, as an occupying force in Iraq and Afghanistan, as a symbolic cornerstone of masculinity in US culture, and a productive site of desire.

His recent work has contributed to critical security studies, particularly in theorizing embodiment and desire in militarized cultures and institutions. He is currently completing his book, Fetishizing the Tactical, which traces the history and diffusion of de-politicized tactical training from the US military into US society and around the world, with the goal of understanding the sociocultural basis of permanent unwinnable wars and their racialized and gendered effects. His work has been published in a number of journals, including International Political Sociology, Critical Military Studies, Critical Studies on Security, and The International Feminist Journal of Politics. He has also published chapters on methodology in Critical Security Studies, the politics of gender and sexuality across time, as well as intersections between popular culture and militarization.

Dr. Crane-Seeber has previously served as Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of War Studies, King's College London (UK), Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of the District of Columbia (Washington, DC, USA) and Teaching Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC, USA). He also held Postdoctoral Fellowships at North Carolina State University and the Bremen International Graduate School for Social Sciences (Bremen, Germany).
Internationale Betrekkingen
D. Dell'Isola, PhD
dr. M.R. DoortmontUniversitair hoofddocent Internationale Betrekkingen en Afrikastudies (met ius promovendi) Afrikastudies, internationale betrekkingen en ontwikkelingsproblematiek, cultureel erfgoed en ontwikkeling, niet-westerse geschiedenis, geschiedenis van de Europese expansie, geschiedenis van Nederlands buitenlands beleid (koloniale politiek, ontwikkelingsbeleid), geschiedenis van internationale betrekkingen Geschiedenis
Internationale Betrekkingen
A.T.S. DorhoutPhD student
L.G. Dos Santos Marques Pedro, PhDPostDoc in the History & Theory of IR IR Theory / Political Thought / Human Rights / History and Theory of International Law / Migration Ethics Internationale Betrekkingen
P.K. Farneubun, MA
R. De Figueiredo Summa, DrAssitant Professor International Political Sociology, Borders, boundaries, displacement Internationale Betrekkingen
W.A. Figueroa, DrAssistant Professor of History and Theory of International Relations Historical and Contemporary China-Middle East Relations, especially Iran-China Relations; History of Iran; History of China; Cold War History Geschiedenis
Internationale Betrekkingen
G.W. Fuller, DrAssistant Professor of International Political Economy International Financial Markets, International Political Economy, Comparative Politics, International Economics, European Political Economy, EU Macroeconomic Governance Internationale Betrekkingen
Macro-economie, Internationale- en Monetaire Economie
N.F. Gäckle, MAPhD student Biopolitical theory, (pandemic) temporalities, critical security studies Internationale Betrekkingen
J. Gómora Alarcón, MAPhD student Natural resources, Tourism, Geography, International conflicts, Geopolitics Internationale Betrekkingen
Sociale Wetenschappen, Interdisciplinaire
Regionale en Ruimtelijke Economie
J.R. Gray
I. Hamati-Ataya, ProfHoogleraar Mondiale Internationale Betrekkingen Social, International, and Globalisation Theory; Global Politics of Science and Technology; Global History and Politics of Agriculture and Food-Systems; Existential Risk and Societal Collapse; Deep History and Anthropology of Knowledge; Historical Epistemology; Philosophy of Science Sociale Wetenschappen, Interdisciplinaire
Internationale Betrekkingen
L.C.A. Hemminga, PhD
B.A. Herborth, DrAssistant ProfessorSocial and political theories of international relations, critical theory and international relations, world society studies, security studies, politics of global orderInternationale Betrekkingen
drs. E.M. Herman-PletiouginaCoordinator Honours programma Letteren, Study advisor American studies, Placement IRIO supervisor Studieadviseur American Studies, verbindingspersoon voor studenten en docenten. Stagebegeleider Internationale Betrekkingen. Aanspreekpunt voor het Honoursprogramma binnen de Faculteit der Letteren. Expertise in Oost-Europa en het Russische hoger onderwijs. Internationale Betrekkingen
prof. dr. H.W. HoenHoogleraar Internationale Politieke Economie Politieke economie van Europese integratie, uitbreiding van de Europese Unie en transitieprocessen in Midden- en Oost-Europa Internationale Betrekkingen
Economie (Algemeen)
S. Jeon
B. Johnson, PhDUD Critical security studies, Arctic politics and security, technology and International Relations, artificial intelligence. Internationale Betrekkingen
dr. ir. M.R. Kamminga ethiek en wereldpolitiek/mondiale politieke economie; theorie van de internationale betrekkingen Internationale Betrekkingen
Economie (Algemeen)
J. Kim
S. Kim
E.J. KirkpatrickPhD student
J. Lambert Gomes Ferraz, MA
T. Lanz, PhD
L.A. Linsi, PhDUniversitair docent (UD1) Internationale politieke economie international political economy; global capitalism; international trade; corporate power; economic measurement. Internationale Betrekkingen
Economie (Algemeen)
L.E. Lobo-Guerrero, ProfHoogleraar Geschiedenis en Theorie van Internationale Betrekkingen - Early Modern Geopolitical Epistemologies (esp. the XVIC Hispanic Empire)
- Historical Epistemology and International Relations
- The Politics of Global Connectivities
- Geopolitics and Connectivity
- Mapping, critical cartography, and spatial epistemologies 
- The Politics of Uncertainty
- Biopolitics of Security
- Post-structuralism in International Relations
- Insurance and liberal governance
Internationale Betrekkingen
R.M.U. Malau, MAPhD student Cultural and Media Studies, Communication, Minority Studies
dr. J.F. Meijeruniversitair docent / senior onderzoeker Als historicus ben ik gespecialiseerd in (post) koloniale betrekkingen tussen Nederland en Indonesië. Als docent hou ik me op het terrein van de geschiedenis van de Internationale Betrekkingen vooral met Azië bezig, in het bijzonder het Verre Oosten/China. Geschiedenis
Internationale Betrekkingen
M.J. Meijer- De Europese bodempolitiek - Politieke ecologie - Politieke filosofieInternationale Betrekkingen
A.M. Muntean Ferraz de Oliveira Marques, PhDAssistant Professor in History and Theory of International Relations My research expertise is on the history of international thought (1800s-on), with special interest on concepts of geopolitics, territory, political spatiality, and global environment governance. In my present work I am interested in tracing how geographers and international thinkers wrote about the connections between environmental crises and world orders, from the 1890s-1960s. In tracing these histories, I want to contribute towards new critical stances about the geopolitics of the Anthropocene today. In previous work, drawing on my doctoral thesis, I analyzed nineteenth century debates about the politics of territorial order, through the unusual imaginations of three anarchists. Internationale Betrekkingen
S. Neuman-Stanivukovic, DrAssociate Professor Critical European Studies/Politics of Built Environments/Citizenship/Migration /Engaged Research and Pedagogy Internationale Betrekkingen
A.A. Nøhr, PhD
C.F. O’Doherty, DrDocent Internationale Betrekkingen Mijn onderzoek gaat over de verbinding tussen cultuur en globaal politiek met een focus op oorlog en het milieu. Huidige projecten bestaan uit filmische tijdelijkheid van oorlog; verbeeldingen van de toekomst in klimaatfictie; en "rebel music" in Noord-Ierland. Qua onderwijs mijn focus is op veiligheid, cultuur en oorlog, theorie, en onderzoekmethoden. Mijn recente artikel is nu te lezen in International Relations: Assemblages of Conflict Termination. Internationale Betrekkingen
L.C. PalumboPhD student
M.P. PermanaASEAN Economic Integration, Politics of Trade Policy, Public Sector. Politicologie
Internationale Betrekkingen
drs. M.H.C. PrüstPhD student My research is on the visual economy of the photographic industry: how does photography acquire economic and social value through circulation.
F.R. Rodrigues Drenker Dos Reis, DrAssistant ProfessorHistory and Theory of International Relations and International Law; Politics of Globality; Mapping and Critical Cartography; Imperial GermanyInternationale Betrekkingen
C.M. Ryan, DrAssistant ProfessorFeminist and postcolonial security studies, West Africa, Women Peace and Security Agenda, Land politics
P. Saputra, MAAdmissions Officer Internationalisation in higher education, Project management, Intercultural communication, European Studies (Euroculture) Regiostudies
M. Scaff Haddad Bartos, MAPhD student Policy implementation, Intersectoriality, Public health, Prison system, street-level bureaucracy Bestuurskunde
Gezondheidsbeleid & Gezondheidszorg
Sociale Wetenschappen, Interdisciplinaire
dr. T. SchweinbergerAssistant Professor of International Political Economy Economic cooperation and conflict, U.S.-China trade, China's international political economy Internationale Betrekkingen
Economie (Algemeen)
M.A. Sezal, DrDocent Critical Security Studies, European Security and Defence, European Defence Industry, Technoscientific Politics and Security, International Relations Theories, Critical Theory Internationale Betrekkingen
D.U. Shim, DrUniversitair docent 1 Theories of International Relations, Visual Studies, Political Geography/Critical Geopolitics, Theories of Discourse, East Asian Studies Internationale Betrekkingen
Film, Radio en Televisie
H. Song
drs. H. SportelDocent Internationale Betrekkingen en International Organisatie Conflicts in the former Soviet Union (Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine), democratic governance (in the security sector), Security Sector Reform (SSR), parliamentary oversight, international negotiations, democratisation in the former Soviet Union and Western Balkans (specifically Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine, Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina).
S. TanakaUniversitair docent International Conflict, Globalization, Redistribution, Inequality, Discrimination, Social Conflicts, Immigration, Gender Inequality Internationale Betrekkingen
L.J.K. Van Milders, Dr Decolonial philosophy; Critical Hermeneutics; Politics of Knowledge Production; Deep and Radical Ecology; Somatic Social Theory; Political Anthropology

I welcome any PhD proposal in the fields above.
Internationale Betrekkingen
N.M.T. Voelkner, Dr. Global Politics of Disease and Health; International Political Sociology; Critical Humanitarian Studies; Quantum Social Science; Critical Security Studies; Internationale Betrekkingen
Sociale Wetenschappen, Interdisciplinaire
mr. dr. H.H. VoogsgeerdUniversitair Docent Europees sociaal en economisch recht, de vier vrijheden van de interne markt, het evenwicht tussen sociaal en economisch recht in de EU; Vrijhandelsakkoorden tussen de EU en derde landen, bijv. met Japan Internationale Betrekkingen
Industriële relaties & Arbeid
K. Wezel, MAPhD student
J.H. de WildeEmeritus Hoogleraar Internationale Betrekkingen en Veiligheidsstudies IR Theory, Security Studies, European Studies, Global Governance, Energy & Geopolitics Internationale Betrekkingen
Y. Zabanova, MA
N.A. Zadeh-Cummings, DrAssistant Professor humanitarianism, civil society, North Korea Internationale Betrekkingen
Sociale Wetenschappen, Interdisciplinaire
Y. Zeng, DrAssistant Professor of International Political Economy International political economy, interstate conflict and cooperation, and Chinese foreign policy. Internationale Betrekkingen
Sociale Wetenschappen, Kwantitatieve Methoden
Laatst gewijzigd:15 juni 2020 14:22
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