Assistant Professor in English Language and Linguistics
Sociolinguistics Sociophonetics Language variation Language change Language contact Language, gender and sexuality Scandinavian languages (Norwegian, Faroese)
(long) nineteenth-century English literature and culture (esp. novel, gender, popularity, Empire, realism, Anglo-German relations); travel writing (often with a China/Hong Kong focus, theories of travel/ writing); literary and poetic theory (genre, realism, geopoetics)
interdisciplinary modernism, modern and contemporary British literature (specializing in the literature of the mid-twentieth century), literature and politics, environmental humanities, the novel
Twentieth- and twenty-first-century literatures; children's and young adult literature; the gothic; diaspora studies; gender studies; rewritings and adaptations; ecocriticism and the more-than-human; multilingualism and translanguaging; creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry writing; literature and creative writing pedagogy
The fiction and literary archives of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala. The prose of Indian writer Kiran Nagarkar and satire in modern Indian literature. Postcolonial Studies in Literature related to former British colonies; diaspora fiction and transnational writing; genetic criticism in literary archives. I am interested in critique of the short story form, in women writers' representation in public and educational institutional archives and creative ways to engage students with literature.
Modern English literature, print culture, book history, periodicals, publishing studies, typography, literary modernism, nationalism, James Joyce, genre fiction, contemporary romance, fanfiction, retellings, translingual and transcultural fiction, multilingualism, language ideologies.
Lecturer in Modern English Literature (fixed-term)
twentieth-century literature, post-war American poetry, modernism, magic and witches from Shakespeare to twentieth-century literature and popular culture, environmental humanities, particularly poetry and ecology
Senior Lecturer in Older English Literature and Culture
Old English philology, Middle English philology, medieval literature, encyclopaedic literature of the early medieval period, manuscript studies, the history of the Germanic languages, thel study of Old English and Old Germanic languages and cultures during the early modern period
Medieval romance; Arthurian literature; Chaucer and Lydgate; dream visions; history of the emotions; gender studies; medical humanities; manuscript studies; literature and law; treason, sleep, and dwarves in Middle English literature; Malory's Morte Darthur, the Wars of the Roses, and the fifteenth century in English and Scottish textual culture; periodisation and continuities between medieval and early modern English Literature
Late-medieval literature Wycliffite/ lollard and Hussite writings Central European religious controversy Medieval medicine The Piers Plowman Tradition Sermon studies Medieval law Palaeography, codicology and history of the book
I have worked in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) for more than twenty years as a teacher, lecturer, head of English, academic director, teacher trainer and researcher. I am currently a lecturer and researcher in the Chair Group of Language Learning. I hold an MA and PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Leicester, UK. My research centres on the design, development, and evaluation of language teaching and learning materials. Additionally, I have significant experience in English for Academic Purposes (EAP), Professional Development, and Lesson Study (Research Lesson).
Second language acquisition, second language teaching, English for academic purposes, sociolinguistics, phonetics and phonology, second language phonology