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Education Day 2020

The annual Faculty of Arts Education day in 2020 was replaced by a series of webinars, with the central theme: Challenges posed by Covid 19 with respect to teaching, learning and assessment

The recordings of these webinars can be can be started by clicking on the title of the webinar.

Webinar 1: Structuring for productive interaction and feedback in online education

Prof. dr. Jan-Willem Strijbos

Educational Sciences/GION, University of Groningen


Switching from face-to-face to online education is challenging; ever more so when it is rapid, as we all experienced over the past months. The natural inclination is to try and emulate whatever we did in the face-to-face setting in our online setting. Although many of the elements can be transferred, invariably these will also have to be tweaked.

In this webinar I will draw on my background in the design of online and hybrid education. In particular I will address the structuring of teacher-student and student-student interaction and feedback in online education, as well as reasons why I organized or designed the interaction and feedback in a particular way in my courses.

Webinar 2: Challenges posed by Covid 19 with respect to teaching, learning and assessment

Feedback tools for online teaching (& assessment)

Ways of providing synchronous and asynchronous feedback: VoiceThread for feedback on videos; Google Docs for feedback during group work in Breakout Rooms.

Learning Engagement and Covid-19: Essential Guidelines for a Successful Online Educational Experience

“Learning engagement” and the challenges for its evaluation.

Kees de Vries

Tackling Assessment During Covid (without going insane)

How to think about efficient and valid assessment during social distanced times.

Webinar 3: Assessment Plans: Horrible, Useful, or Horribly Useful?

Roelof van Deemter (Faculty expert assessment policy) introduces the new Assessment Plan and discusses with Frank Harbers and Scott Eldridge how they use the Assessment Plan in Media Studies (BA and MA).

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Last modified:21 February 2025 4.00 p.m.