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The Department of Sociology at the University of Groningen studies human society from different perspectives. Human society is an interesting but complex subject to study. On the one hand, defining the term human society has an optimistic tone; it refers to citizens who live and work together in harmony. On the other hand, the definition has a negative downside because of all the tensions, conflicts and violence that exist in societies, both past and present. In the capacity as sociologist you study human society on a large scale, such as in a country, but also on a small scale, such as life in a village community or a family unit.

Sociology for Exchange students

A number of courses in sociology and methodology on bachelor level are open to international students with suitable qualifications and will be given and examined in English (autumn semester only). Apart from the courses listed there, students can also choose from the broader selection of courses given at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences.

Course package Challenging Society

Challenging Society is a faculty-wide combination package of courses taught in English. Students learn how to analyze the interplay between individuals and their social environment from a behavioural and social science perspective. Drawing on knowledge from Educational Science, Social Psychology, and Sociology this combination of courses offers an interdisciplinary approach to the topic of Challenging Society.

Brief description
Individuals, families, and organizations in contemporary societies face many challenges. Individuals trace their personal development in a diverse social environment, having to meet demands from various social contexts such as families, work organizations, and friendship groups. Families educate their children to become well adapted and fully participating members of a culturally diverse society. And organizations have to cope with ever changing demands from a complex social and institutional environment. Importantly, the ways in which individuals, families, and organizations deal with these challenges in turn shape society. Individuals challenge social norms, families challenge traditional role definitions and institutions, and organizations challenge competitors and accepted work and leadership practices. Thus, society is both challenging and challenged.

Courses of the package Challenging Society are offered in the first two blocks of the autumn semester.

More information on the course offer can be found here.

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.10 a.m.