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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre
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Request for Research Proposals ETD

Date:30 November 2021
United Nations University UNU-WIDER
United Nations University UNU-WIDER

Deadline for proposal submissions is 31 January 2022. United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) is requesting research proposals on the Economic Transformation Database (ETD) project. This project aims to better understand structural transformation—how it varies, why it varies, and what the implications of this might be—and to offer new frameworks that provide insight into how to address it. This will generate new knowledge on how developing economies, in particular low-income ones, can achieve sustainable, inclusive development.

The project mainly helps to monitor the progress made in achieving SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth. The ETD, a global public good, may also be instrumental to policy makers’ ability to analyse the role that structural change can play in achieving other SDGs. 

Proposals for original research that speak to the core themes of this project and offer strong empirical, methodological, or theoretical contributions will be considered.

Request for research proposals

UNU-WIDER invites proposals from qualified researchers for papers examining structural transformation broadly. Following formal acceptance and initial publication in the WIDER Working Papers Series, the aim is to have these papers published in high-quality journals or books in economics, political science, development studies, or related fields. The papers must be written in English and should be around 10,000 words (inclusive of text, tables, figures, boxes, footnotes, references, etc.). 

Proposals from individuals (or groups of individuals) as well as non-profit organizations are welcome. Applications from women and developing country researchers are particularly encouraged. 

Read the full announcement for more information.

Proposal submission

Submission of proposals is done electronically by using the form on the announcement page. Any questions on the proposal process should be sent to by 15 January 2022. The deadline for proposal submissions is 31 January 2022. More information on the submission procedure can be found on the request for research proposals page.

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