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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre
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GGDC and societal relevance

Date:18 January 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

We were very happy that a committee of esteemed colleagues recognized the usefulness of our research and database development efforts in the national Research Review of the faculty's research school, SOM. This helped contribute to the faculty's research program being deemed 'Excellent' in terms of societal relevance; the only program in the Netherlands to be designated as such. Or, in their words:

"SOM manages several data sets (EUKLEMS, WIOD, PWT, GGDC growth accounting data) that are widely used, not only in academic research but also by applied research institutes and government. SOM succeeds in developing these data sets and keeping them up-to-date. This provides a valuable service to the research community and practitioners. (page 40)"

Tags: PWT, Press, KLEMS, WIOD
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