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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Header image GGDC News


IARIW 2018 General Conference

Income and Wealth conference activity

Date:10 September 2018

At the latest General Conference of the International Association of Research in Income and Wealth, GGDC researchers contributed substantially to the program:

Opposing inequality trends

Inequality moves in cycles

Date:10 September 2018

New research by Herman de Jong and María Gómez León, published in the Economic History Review, examines inequality in Germany and the United Kingdom in the first half of the twentieth century. Over this period, the developments have mirrored each other in...

AEA Papers and Proceedings

Online prices for real consumption comparisons

Date:11 July 2018

Robert Inklaar and Marcel Timmer published a paper in the AEA Papers and Proceedings on using online prices for comparisons of real consumption levels across countries (open access version here), jointly with Alberto Cavallo (HBS), Erwin Diewert (UBC) and ...

Penn World Table

PWT 9.1: Release information

Date:11 July 2018

Work on a new version of the Penn World Table (PWT) is progressing and has advanced to the point where we can provide more information on the timing and content of this new release:

(c) NRC

Timmer on Trump's Trade War

Date:10 July 2018

Marcel Timmer is interviewed by the Dutch newspaper NRC on the effects of import tariffs on cars. These have been threatened by Trump and would aim to shift car production to the United States. Such tariffs would hurt Americans by making cars more...


Productivity and value chains at World KLEMS conference

Date:14 June 2018

Marcel Timmer, Robert Inklaar and Jop Woltjer were amongst the presenters at the Fifth World KLEMS conference, organised by Dale Jorgenson and others at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government on June 4–5. Presentations included discussion of the...

Thomas Piketty

Piketty gives Maddison lecture

Date:01 June 2018

On May 23, Thomas Piketty gave the Maddison lecture, on the topic of globalization and inequality. See here for some highlights and how Piketty's work relates to research of GGDC.

IMF World Economic Outlook

IMF WEO relies on GGDC data

Date:18 April 2018

In the IMF's latest World Economic Outlook, its chapter 3 on manufacturing jobs relies heavily on data provided by the GGDC, including the World Input-Output Database and the GGDC Productivity Level Database, as well as relying on the data from the World...


NBER-CRIW presentation on exports of value added

Date:09 March 2018

Today, Bart Los will present new research jointly with Marcel Timmer on Measuring Bilateral Exports of Value Added at a conference organised by the NBER and CRIW on the Challenges of Globalization in the Measurement of National Accounts, which brings...

Inaugural lecture Robert Inklaar

Beyond Growth? Robert Inklaar's inaugural lecture

Date:08 March 2018

On March 6, Robert Inklaar gave his inaugural lecture to officially accept his position of Professor in the Economics of Productivity and Welfare. In this lecture, he established how productivity growth in the 21st century has been low by historical...