Kick-off activities
FSE Master's Introduction
During the FSE Master’s Introduction on Friday, 30 August from 10.00-12.00 in room 5161.0151, we will welcome new students and introduce them to the ins and outs of our faculty. This session is aimed at students new to the University of Groningen and the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE).
Introduction to the degree programme
All new MSc Computing Science students are invited to attend the programme-specific introduction on Friday, 30 August 2024 from 12.15-13.15 in BB 5161.0289. At this event, you will receive important information about your degree programme.
Afterwards a complimentary lunch is offered from 13.15-14.00 in the Take-Away (canteen of the Bernoulliborg). Please let us know that you will be joining the lunch via this form (so that we have have enough lunch, do not waste any food, and know your dietary restrictions). Make sure to fill out the form on Monday 12 August at the latest.
* Times and locations are subject to change. Please check this information in the week of 26 August for the most recent information.
Friday, 30 August 2024
General FSE intro master students new to University of Groningen
BB 5161.0151
Programme specific introduction for all new CS master students
BB 5161.0289
Complimentary lunch
Take-Away (= First floor of the Bernoulliborg Canteen)
Information specifically aimed at the new (international) CS, AI & CCS students, including an introduction of Study Association Cover
BB 5161.0151
(optional) Campus tour
Monday, 2 September
start classes
Tuesday, 3 September
Information Market
main hallway Energy Academy
20.00 -
Cover Pub Quiz (introduction event for master students organized by study association Cover)
Information Market
The Information Market will be held on Tuesday, 3 September 2024 in the main hallway of the Energy Academy. It offers an opportunity for you to get all the information that you may need to start your journey here at the FSE outside the standard information regarding your programme.
The organisations listed below will all be present at the market. There will also be poffertjes and a barista available outside the venue throughout the day!
Diversity,Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
International Welcome Centre North (IWCN)
Teaching Qualification - MSc Science, Education and Communication
Introduction to the Dutch workshop
Curious about the Dutch? Unlock the secrets of Dutch culture during our workshop Introduction to the Dutch on 19 September from 11.00 to 13.00 (FBG 5614.0095A). We will dive deep into the world of Dutch rituals, values and communication styles. We will also deal with essential habits unique to the Netherlands while exploring the drawbacks of stereotypes. Don't miss this chance to explore and connect with Dutch culture like never before!
Introduction Camp
A great way to get to know your fellow students as soon as possible, is the Introduction Camp, organized by the study association of your degree programme.
Cover Introduction Camp and Other Introduction Activities
Dear first-year students of Artificial Intelligence, Computing Science, and Computatinal Cognitive Science
We are happy to welcome you to the University of Groningen and to the Study Association Cover. In order to make your first week of university as fun and memorable as possible, the IntroCee (Introduction Committee of Cover) organises an Introduction Week. Throughout the week, we organise activities, for you to get to know your fellow students. During that weekend we will also be hosting an Introduction Weekend, located outside of Groningen (transportation, accommodation and food is arranged by Cover), with loads of games and activities for you to engage in and bond with other first-year (BSc & MSc) students and seniors. Of course, there will be some surprise events as well! Oftentimes the people you meet during the camp remain your friends - or your trusted lab partners - for the rest of your studies!
For the Introduction Barbecue and the Introduction Weekend, you can sign up on Here you will find all the relevant information as well. The rest of the activities will be published on the Cover website, at If you have any questions, please contact us at introcee or on Instagram on @svcover.
Our introduction activities are:
- Special event for Master students only: PUBQUIZ Tuesday Sept 3 19.00 hrs, Buckshot Cafe
- Introduction Barbecue: Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 17:00 (in front of Bernoulliborg)
- Welcome (Back) Party: Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 21:00 (location TBA)
- INTRODUCTION WEEKEND: September 6 - 8, 2024 (Pagedal, Stadskanaal)
You can view the complete agenda on Here, you can also become a Cover member. (P.S. It is not necessary to be a Cover member to join the introduction activities).
Cover WhatsApp group chats for First-Years Masters AI/CS/CCS MSc:
We look forward to seeing you all during the introduction week!
All the best,
The Introduction Committee of 2024

Last modified: | 08 August 2024 3.36 p.m. |