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Islands and Sustainability (EM)

Summer/Winter School Series: “Islands as Laboratories for Sustainability (ISLAs)”

Date:23 February 2023
Author:Sarita Mahtani-Williams
Last week, University of Groningen’s winter school “Islands as Laboratories: Environmental Management in the Islands” was hosted by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) in the Canary Islands. This winter school is an initiative of the Sustainable Landscapes research group of the University of Groningen (RUG) and the international Erasmus Mundus Research Master Islands and Sustainability programme.
Figure 1 / Pak Mokum Terug / (Velthuis, 2021, from Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Beyond neoliberal housing in Amsterdam: a tale of tactics, tenure and territorialization

Date:25 January 2023
Author:Bart Popken

Squatting practices have become more fragmentized, strategic and hostile compared to the 1960s in the Netherlands. During the 60s, free spirited spaces in the form of vacant buildings were envisaged as opportunities for collective support and empowerment...

The Community Mapping Project

An effective community-driven sustainable resource management actions in Simeto Valley, Italy

Date:08 November 2022
Author:Kolade Victor Otokiti

The focus of this essay is to examine effective community-driven sustainable resource management actions in Simeto Valley, Italy, and help the United Nations identify potent place-based community initiatives that may be encouraged in communities with...

Source: Emil Helms © Scanpix

Resistance as Autonomy in Kalaallit Nunaat - the case of rare-earth mining for sustainability

Date:13 October 2022
Author:Sissal Tókadóttir Dahl

During my first year as a bachelor student in a renowned university frequently hosting talks by well known people, I listened to a talk by experts in national autonomy and independence processes. It was during the time when Catalonia was a hot topic, and a...

Image via Pixabay

Killing for Care: Pilot Whaling in the Faroe Islands

Date:24 May 2022
Author:Emma Mayhew

Pilot whaling has been a part of Faroese culture since at least the sixteenth century (Fielding et al. 2015; Fielding, 2010), being one of the best documented and arguably most sustainable harvesting practices in the world. Every year the Faroese people...

Island and sustainability

Doing 'regional research' in the Northern Netherlands: reflections from a 'global' student team

Date:15 July 2021
Many island schools are facing shrinking populations, creating a big challenge for the schools to continue providing education and remain an important part of the social infrastructure for island communities.
The Death of Socrates - Jacques-Louis David (1787)

Collaborative planning - the next step in democracy or a trap for populism?

Date:17 March 2021
Author:Ido Marom & Jort de Vries

The 20th century discourse on communicative rationality gave rise to a new paradigm in planning theory - the communicative (collaborative) paradigm. It calls for the breaking of scientific objectivism and building one based on agreement between individuals...

Negative opinions about Roma, Muslims in several European nations

Caravan Dwellers versus the Tiny Houses Movement

Date:04 November 2020
Author:Ana Polgar and Irina Krottje
On the 13th of July, 2018, the Dutch government presented a new policy, ending the former ‘extinction policy’ regarding Roma, Sinti and Travellers. The former policy was found to be discriminatory and violate human rights and limited the existence of their culture, their way of living and their freedom rights.
Place of Places

Review: A Woman's World

Date:29 April 2020
Author:Melissa Ernstberger & Kiek Korevaar

On the 21st of February, Place of Places hosted their first event of the year, a collaboration between students of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences and City Central. The event, “A Woman’s World,” aimed to facilitate a discussion space for a geographical...

Stefano at OLLD19

OLLD2019; first conference experiences as a master student

Date:14 November 2019
Author:Stefano Blezer

Annually, the European Network of Living Labs organises the Open Living Lab Days Conference in which international (urban) living lab stakeholders come together to discuss the current developments and issues faced. This year, the conference was organised...