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PPE Conference 2023 : Feminist perspectives on PPE

From:Th 11-05-2023
Until:Fr 12-05-2023
Where:University of Groningen, The Netherlands

With this conference, we want to offer an opportunity for members of the “Philosophy, Politics, and Economics” community (broadly conceived) to come together in Europe and discuss recent papers and work in progress. We invite papers in the field of “PPE” from historical, methodological, and normative perspectives. Depending on the number of submissions, these will be discussed in plenary or parallel sessions. Maximally a third of the slots will be reserved for papers on this year's keynote theme, whereas the other slots will be open for general PPE papers.

Please find the programme for the PPE Conference 2023 (updated 2 May).

Keynote theme
“PPE” is becoming more and more a discipline of its own. But the three disciplines it is composed of, philosophy, politics, and economics, have historically all been heavily dominated by male voices from "the West." At the same time, there have long been “feminist” critiques in all contributing fields. And it seems indeed that many PPE themes - e.g. issues of economic justice, the nature of capitalism, or questions about the methodology of “rational economic man” (sic) - require a feminist lens. But how exactly can and should feminist perspectives be integrated into the research and teaching of PPE? Which feminism(s) to draw on? And how to take the insights of intersectionality - roughly, that gender intersects with other lines of privilege and disadvantage - into account? And asked the other way
around: are there specific insights that PPE can bring to feminism? Can PPE open new avenues for feminism across the disciplinary boundaries of the three subdisciplines?

The keynotes of the 2023 conference will provide different angles to answer these and related questions, and participants are encouraged to submit papers that deal with the relation between feminist perspectives and PPE topics.

Anca Gheaus, CEU Vienna
Serene Khader, CUNY New York
Ingrid Robeyns, University of Utrecht
Sara Stevano, SOAS University of London

Programme Committee
Erik Angner (Stockholm University)
Antoinette Baujard (Université Lyon, Saint-Etienne)
Constanze Binder (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Benjamin Ferguson (University of Warwick)
Katherine Furman (University of Liverpool)
Dorothea Gädeke (University of Utrecht)
Francesco Guala (University of Milan)
Martin van Hees (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen)
Caterina Marchionni (University of Helsinki)
Felix Pinkert (University of Vienna)
Johanna Thoma (London School of Economics) 


If you want to participate, please email Lisa Herzog (l.m.herzog or ppeconference2023 by April 20. There is no registration fee, but participation in the dinner is on a self-paying basis.

View the official poster.

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