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Results for tag:Leadership and Governance


Can Boardroom Environmental Experts be the Catalysts for Environmental Progress?

Date:06 June 2024
In today’s business landscape, corporate environmental performance transcends mere metrics; it is a strategic imperative. The question then arises: How can organizations prepare themselves to approach environmental challenges, embedding sustainability into the core of business strategies? A recent study by Professors Asad, Hennig and Oehmichen shows reconfiguring boardrooms to include environmental expertise is one solution.
Assistant Professor Katrin Heucher

Catalyzing Change from Within: A New Perspective on Insider Social Change Agents

Date:28 February 2024
In the face of societal and environmental challenges, organizations need to do more than just make symbolic gestures or resort to greenwashing. The real change-makers are often found within the organizations themselves. They are the insider social change agents. These individuals are driving change and have the potential to significantly impact societal transformations. However, their efforts need to extend beyond isolated wins within their organizations.In a recent review in the Academy of Management Annals, Assistant Professor Katrin Heucher, along with a team of international co-authors, delves into how these individual efforts can aggregate and lead to broader, more impactful change.