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Adel, dr. M.J. van den+31 50 36 349465411.0626University lecturer and researcher
Aerts-Veenstra, dr. M.+31 50 36 37020Assistant Professor
Asgharieh Ahari, S., MSc+31 50 36 37020625
Bakir, I., Dr+31 50 36 382310617Associate Professor
Bakker, C.G.G.+31 50 36 37020Junior Lecturer
Bakker, J., MSc+31 50 36 37020PhD candidate
Bokhorst, dr. J.A.C.+31 50 36 34693630Assistant Professor
Bortolotti, T., Dr+31 50 36 373385411-0624
Boscari, S., Dr+31 50 36 391925411-0662Assistant Professor
Broekhuis, prof. dr. H.+31 50 36 372885161.144 (Paviljoen)Full Professor
Buijs, dr. ir. P.+31 50 36 385565411.0661Associate Professor
Cai, Y., MSc+31 50 36 37020
Cense, prof. dr. H.A.Distinguished Chair Health System Innovation (C.R. Rao Foundation)
Dekker, dr. G.F.+31 50 36 37020UD/ Thesis Supervisor (p.t.)
Dienstknecht, M., Dr+31 50 36 384320612Assistant Professor
Donk, prof. dr. D.P. van+31 50 36 373455411-649Professor
Dreischerf, dr. A.J.+31 50 36 34946Assistant Professor
Elayan, S.Y.I., MSc+31 50 36 37020
Elderhorst, L.+31 50 36 37020
Emmanouilidis, C., Dr+31 50 36 37020618Associate Professor with Ius Promovendi
Fardi Asrami, R., MSc+31 50 36 370200911
Fokkema, dr. J.E.+31 50 36 37020Lecturer and researcher
Foreest, dr. N.D. van+31 50 36 35178666Associate Professor
Fröhlke, M., MSc+31 50 36 349835411.0631PhD candidate
Gaag, H. van der
Garcia de Olano Casi, H.Junior Researcher
Gelsomino, L.M., PhD+31 50 36 37020Assistant Professor
Hastürk, U., MSc+31 50 36 37020PhD Student
Heide, drs. K. van der+31 50 36 37020PhD student
Huitema, prof. dr. G.B.+31 50 36 34495613Professor
Jansen, L., MSc+31 50 36 37020PhD-Candidate
Jong, N. de, MSc+31 50 36 37020PhD student
Jonge, dr. B. de+31 6 3198 68405411.0658Associate professor, program coordinator BSc EOR
Karapanagiotis, P., PhD+31 50 36 37020Postdoctoral Researcher
Kasper, T.A.PhD Candidate
Kilic, O.A., Dr+31 50 36 370565411-657Associate Professor
Kooi-Kamphuis, R.+31 50 36 37100656Programme Management Assistant
Kottagaha Walawwe Mudiyanselage, D.K.B.G.921
Krol, L.651Junior Lecturer/Researcher
Kryeziu, A., MSc+31 50 36 37020
Laan, N. van der
Land, dr. M.J.+31 50 36 371885411-650Associate Professor
Lingen-Elzinga, D. van+31 50 36 370205411-0636Secretary
Lopez Alvarez, J.A., Dr+31 50 36 37020Assistant Professor
Maruster, L., Dr+31 50 36 373165411-626Assistant professor
Metting, dr. E.I.+31 50 36 37020Assistant professor
Miedema, E., MSc+31 50 36 37020PhD candidate
Noort, dr. A.C.+31 50 36 37020616Assistant professor
Peters, dr. K.+31 50 36 342895411-0613Assistant Professor & profile coordinator Technology Management
Power, prof. dr. D.J.+31 50 36 37020Professor Emeritus
Regts-Walters, dr. A.G.+31 50 36 33459665Assistant Professor
Riezebos, prof. dr. J.+31 50 36 34853629Full Professor Educational Innovation & Academic Lead Teaching Academy Groningen
Rijal, A., Dr+31 50 36 370205411.0620Assistant Professor
Romeijnders, prof. dr. W.+31 50 36 33923DUI-671Professor
Roodbergen, prof. dr. K.J.+31 50 36 323605411-669Professor of Quantitative Logistics
Rooks, M.E.+31 50 36 370205411.0636Management Office Assistent
Rosca, E., Dr+31 50 36 37020Assistant Professor
Ruël, dr. G.C.+31 50 36 37314Assistant Professor
Santos Moreira, drs. S.D.Management Office Assistent
Scholten, K., Dr+31 50 36 370205411.652Associate Professor
Seepma, dr. A.P.+31 50 36 37924Assistant Professor
Teunter, prof. dr. R.H.+31 50 36 386175411-667 Professor
Tong, X., Dr+31 50 36 331485411 0631Associate professor
Tran, T.M., Dr+31 50 36 363265411.0628Assistant Professor
Ursavas, E., Prof+31 50 36 37086Professor of Energy Logistics
Vaart, prof. dr. J.T. van der+31 50 36 37060Professor, Department Chair
Veldman, prof. dr. J.+31 50 36 37490Professor
Vis, prof. dr. I.F.A.+31 50 36 373645411.627Professor of Industrial Engineering
Vries, prof. dr. J. de+31 50 36 338595411-648Professor
Vries, drs. R.F. de+31 50 36 37020Educational Development Officer Diversity and Inclusion
Wang, Z.+31 50 36 37020
Waschull, S., Dr+31 50 36 37020Assistant Professor
Wezel, dr. W.M.C. van+31 50 36 371815411-621Assistant Professor
Wijk, dr. P. van der+31 50 36 37020
Wolf, S.5411.0923PhD Student
Wouda, N.A.+31 50 36 37020PhD candidate
Xiao, C., Dr+31 6 3198 6871Associate professor of sustainable supply chain management
Zee, dr. ir. D.J. van der+31 50 36 346875411-0611Associate Professor
Zeelenberg, M.J.PhD Candidate
Zhang, X., MSc
Zhu, X., Dr+31 50 36 389605411-615Associate Professor
Zotelli, J.+31 50 36 37020Junior Lecturer
Zweers, drs. M.D.+31 50 36 37020Lecturer
Last modified:08 February 2019 1.50 p.m.