Name | Function | Expertise |
Achou, B.J.P. (Bertrand), PhD | Associate professor | Household Economics, Public Economics, Health Economics, Applied Microeconomics and Microeconometrics |
Alessie, R.J.M. (Rob) | Professor Micro-econometrics | Micro-econometrics, Consumer economics, Household saving behavior, Economics of ageing, Labor economics, Health economics |
Allers, prof. dr. M.A. (Maarten) | Professor of Economics of Sub-National government |
Public finance, local government economics, fiscal federalism, political economy, local democracy |
Alserda, G.A.G. (Gosse), PhD | Lecturer | Institutional Finance, Asset Pricing, Experimental Economics |
Angelini, V. (Viola), Prof | Professor, Aletta Jacobs Chair | Applied microeconometrics; Household saving and consumption behaviour; Health Economics |
Annibali, C. (Claudio), MSc | PhD candidate | Gender, Labour and Health Economics |
Beek, S.G.H. van | Duration analysis, nonparametric estimation | |
Berg, prof. dr. G.J. (Gerard J.) van den | Professor | |
Bergemann, A. (Annette), Dr | Associate Professor, Rosalind Franklin Fellow | Labour Economics, Health Economics, Gender Economics, Micro-econometrics |
Berk, prof. dr. J.M. (Jan Marc) | Full professor money and banking | Monetary theory, monetary economics, monetary policy, central banking. Economic policy, financial stability, EMU, European banking union, prudential supervision, resolution. |
Beute, K. (Kim) | Secretary | |
Beverdam, J., MSc | PhD-student | Innovative financial instruments for sustainable landscapes |
Bieleman, M. (Martin), MSc | PhD Student | Fiscal Decentralization |
Bolt, prof. dr. J. (Jutta) | Professor of Global Economic History | Long-run economic growth and development with a focus on developing regions |
Boot, dr. T. (Tom) | Associate Professor |
My research focuses on developing econometric theory to improve macroeconomic forecasting and make effective use of high-dimensional data. Personal webpage |
Bosma, J.J. (Jakob), PhD | Lecturer | Quantitative Finance, Fixed Income, Interest Rate and Inflation Modelling, Applied Econometrics, Numerical Methods |
Brock, E.O. (Bert) de | Professor Business Information Modelling | |
Bruin, prof. dr. B.P. (Boudewijn) de | Professor | Financial ethics, business ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), business and human rights, sustainability |
Chau, K.W. (Ki Wai), Dr | Assistant professor | Fourier-based numerical approximation; Regression-later. |
Chen, J., M | ||
Chen, J. (Junyu), M | Financial Econometrics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time Series, Financial Risk | |
Chen, Y. (Yu), MSc | PhD student | Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Randomized Control Trials, Health Behaviors |
Claassen, B.F.C. (Bart) | PhD Candidate | Macro-Finance, (Continuous-time) Asset Pricing, Computational Economics, Financial Frictions in Macroeconomics, Macroeconomic Theory. |
Czura, K. (Kristina), Dr | Associate Professor | Development Economics, Experimental Economics, Applied Microeconometrics, Behavioral Economics |
Dalò, A. (Ambrogio), Dr | Assistant Professor of Finance | Asset Pricing, Responsible Investing, Investment Funds. |
Dam, dr. L. (Lammertjan) | Associate Professor | Asset Pricing, ESG investing, Derivative Pricing, Econometric Methods |
Davans, H. (Helena) | Management-/Office-assistent section Economics and Econometrics | |
De Vicq de Cumptich, A.P.E. (Amaury), Dr | Assistant professor | I am a financial historian with a demonstrated history of working in the financial sector. Experienced in Financial History, Financial Regulation, Asset Management, and Political Economy. Graduated from LSE and KU Leuven. I obtained my PhD from Utrecht University. I have recently obtained a VENI grant for my research on the distribution of colonial profits in the Netherlands. |
Diannegara, A. (Ariadi) | PhD student | Sustainability reporting, finance, risk management |
Dijk, H.H. (Hermien), PhD | Assistant Professor of Health Economics | Health Economics |
Dongen, E.M.A. (Lisa van Dongen) van, MSc | Ph.D. Candidate Economics | Development Economics; Poverty and Socio-Economic Inequality; Finance and Development; Microfinance; Global Health Economics; Impact Analysis; Experimental Economics |
Elgersma, S.J. | Environmental Economics, Dynamic Game Theory. | |
Elhorst, prof. dr. J.P. (Paul) | Professor of Spatial Econometrics |
Go to for Matlab software of spatial panels and spatial econometric model. July 5, 2023: Jean Paelinck Award for Distinguished Sustained Scholarship in Regional Science Methods pdf with motivation |
Eriksen, S.S.H. (Steffen), Dr | Associate Professor | Impact Evaluation, Non-experimental Methods, Applied Econometrics, Collectables, and Stock Market Participation. |
Fazzo Cusan, M. | ||
Febbraro, drs. F. (Francesco) | PhD Candidate | |
Febriady, A. (Ade), MSc | PhD student | Development Economics, Poverty and Inequality, Subjective Well-Being (Happiness), Applied Microeconometrics |
Fu, J., PhD | ||
Gao, Y. (Yu), M | ||
Geerlings-Koolman, M.A. (Martine) | Program Assistant BSc EOR | |
Geis, A. (Alexandra) | PhD candidate | |
Giesenow, F.M. (Fred), Dr | Lecturer | Monetary Policy, Political Economy, Dynamic Panel Data Analysis. |
Gonenc, H. (Halit), Dr | Associate Professor, Program Director MSc International Financial Management | Corporate Finance, International Financial Management, Ownership Structure and Family Control, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility, Carbon Disclosure and Carbon Emission and Finance. |
Grefte, J.A.M. (Job) de | Assistant Professor Business Ethics and Sustainability | Business ethics, Sustainability, Epistemology, Argumentation theory, Philosophy of Science |
Groneck, M. (Max), Dr | Associate Professor | Dynamic macroeconomics, household and demographic economics, behavioral macroeconomics, applied public economics |
Haan, prof. dr. M.A. (Marco) | Professor Industrial Organization | Industrial Organization. |
Han, Q., MSc | PhD student | |
Heijdra, B.J. (Ben) | Emeritus Professor of Macroeconomics | Macroeconomics, Public Economics, Environmental Economics |
Heijmans, dr. R.J.R.K. (Roweno) | Assistant Professor | My research addresses questions in game theory, especially coordination games, and environmental economics using a combination of theoretical, experimental, and empirical techniques. I work 80% at the University of Groningen and 20% at the NHH Norwegian School of Economics. |
Heijnen, dr. P. (Pim) | Associate professor | Environmental economics, industrial organization, (applied) game theory |
Helmantel, drs. M.E. (Mark) | Academic Lecturer | |
Hermes, prof. dr. C.L.M. (Niels) | Professor | corporate governance, microfinance, international finance, financial systems and economic growth |
Herrmann, O.M. (Oliver), Dr | Assistant Professor | Political Economics, Experimental Economics, Corporate Valuation |
Hiddink, A.W.P. (Wim-Paul), MSc | PhD Candidate | Applied Game Theory and Industrial Organization |
Hoeben, dr. C. (Corine) | Research Associate | Local government taxes |
Homroy, S. (Swarnodeep), Dr | Associate Professor (Reader) of Finance | Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Climate Finance, Political Economy |
Hulshof, dr. D. (Daan) | Assistant professor | Energy economics |
Iftime, O.V. (Orest), Dr | Associate Professor (Applied Mathematics) | |
Jacobs, dr. J.P.A.M. (Jan) | Associate Professor | Empirical macroeconomics; health economics |
Jansen, L.J. (Laura) | PhD Student | Public economics, health economics and micro-economics. |
Jelsema, E.T. (Ellie) | Management-/office-assistant | |
Jong, prof. dr. A. (Abe) de | Professor of Corporate Finance | Corporate Finance; Financial History; Business History |
Jong, D.M.O. (Dylan), PhD | Assistant professor | Local public finance; Decentralization; Local economic growth; Quality of government; Spatial productivity |
Jong, prof. dr. H.J. (Herman) de | Professor of Economic History | Economic and Social History, Long Term Economic Growth and Development |
Kaat, D.M. (Daniel Marcel) te, PhD | Associate Professor of Finance | International Finance, Empirical Banking, Monetary Policy |
Kamtoh Ndongmo, dr. C.A. (Charles Albert), PhD | PhD student | |
Kantarci, T. (Tunga), Dr | Post-doctoral researcher and lecturer | Labor economics, health economics, experimental economics, survey methodology, discrete-choice modelling in econometrics, simulation methods in econometrics |
Kesina, M. (Michaela), PhD | Associate Professor | Microeconometrics, Spatial Econometrics, Frequentist and Bayesian Econometrics, Applications in International Economics, Regional and Urban Economics, and Energy Economics |
Kiernan, C.K. (Caitlin) | PhD Candidate | |
Klooster, dr. J. (Jens) | ||
Knot, prof. dr. K.H.W. (Klaas) | Honorary professor | Economics of Central Banking |
Kong, L. (Lingwei), Dr | Assistant Professor of Econometrics | Asset pricing, identification robust tests. |
Koning, prof. dr. R.H. (Ruud) | Professor by special appointment, sports economics (Mulierinstituut) | Applied microeconometrics, Insurance economics, Non-life insurance models, Economics and econometrics of sports |
Kramer, dr. E.L. (Bert) | Lecturer |
The impact of climate change and the transition on financial markets. How to measure investment portfolio alignment with the Paris agreement Asset Liability Managment and Risk Management for insurance companies, pension funds, private individuals and social housing corporations. |
Kramer, dr. M.M. (Marc) | Program Director BSc E&BE, Senior Lecturer | Investor Behavior, Behavioral Finance |
Kwaak, dr. C.G.F. (Christiaan) van der | Associate Professor |
My research focuses on the macroeconomic impact that unconventional monetary and fiscal policies have in mitigating financial crises and on long-run financial stability. I investigate this within New Keynesian DSGE models, which allow me to not only investigate policies that have been implemented in the real world, but also counterfactual policies. Earlier research focused on the impact of such policies after a financial crisis had broken out, whereas my current research focuses on the extent to which (un)conventional monetary policies increase or decrease the probability of such a crisis happening in the first place, and how these policies affect the macroeconomy in the short- and long-run. Keywords: Macroeconomics, Financial Intermediation, Financial Fragility, Unconventional Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy |
Langley, M.G. (Madeline) | PhD candidate | Madeline's research focuses on women's empowerment and nutritional security in Bangladesh and Ethiopia. |
Lensink, prof. dr. B.W. (Robert) | Professor; Vice dean research | Microfinance; Gender Studies; Finance and Development; Impact Analyses; Experimental Economics; Development Economics; External Finance; Capital market imperfections; Climate Change and Development |
Ligtenberg, J.W. (Hans), MSc | PhD student | |
Malinowski, M. (Mikołaj), PhD | I am an economic historian specialising in global, long-term, historical, macroeconomic and political processes with a focus on Eastern-Central Europe. In 2013, I co-founded WEast - The Eastern European Economic History Network ( Long-term economic growth Economic and social inequality State capacity Eastern Europe and Russia Institutional Economics |
Marchesi, D. (Daniele), MSc | Applied Microeconomics, Development Economics , Public Economics | |
Marinkov, V.V. (Viktor), Dr | Assistant Professor of Macroeconomics | My research spans expectations in macroeconomics, monetary policy and productivity. Two general themes are understanding the importance of deviations from rational expectations and full information for explaining macroeconomic phenomena and the evolution of productivity differences between countries. |
Masciandaro, C. (Carlotta) | PhD Candidate | Distributional effects of climate policies |
Méder, Z.Z. (Zsombor), PhD | assistant professor | decision theory, game theory |
Mees, prof. dr. R.A.J. (Roland) | Professor of Practice of Business Ethics |
Roland Mees is currently a director of Sustainable Finance at ING Wholesale Banking, where he mainly focuses on the moral practice of sustainability, for example when granting Sustainability-Linked Loans to corporate customers. Mees has gained over 30 years of experience in the banking sector, not only at ING, but also at ABN Amro and Triodos Bank. While pursuing his career in a business environment, he felt the need to reflect more deeply on the pragmatic reality of the organizations he worked for. Thus, Mees sought to deepen his academic knowledge with a master’s in Philosophy in Business at Utrecht University, followed by a PhD at the Ethics Institute of Utrecht University. Both alongside his full-time job at ING. Mees is an expert on motivational obstacles to taking sustainable action and pathways for individuals, institutions and humanity. As a professor of Practice of Business Ethics, he works in close collaboration with professor of Financial Ethics, Boudewijn de Bruin. Together with the other professors at the EE&F department that focus on topics such as sustainable development, sustainable banking & finance and corporate governance, Mees contributes to setting up, innovating and carrying out education in the field of business ethics. Apart from his educational contributions, he takes part in research projects within the faculty and develops his own research in the field of business ethics. |
Mierau, J.O. (Jochen), Prof | Professor Public Health Economics | |
Milionis, P. (Petros), Dr | Associate Professor | Economic Growth and Development, Regional Economics , International Economics, Economic History |
Mills, M.C. (Melinda), Prof | Professor of Data Science & Public Health Policy | demographics; high-dimensional data; health; labour market |
Montfoort, F.J. van | PhD Candidate Energy Economics | Regulation of Energy Markets |
Mueller, A.M. (Annika), Dr | Associate Professor | Development Economics; Experimental Economics; Behavioral Economics |
Muhamed, T.A.S., MSc | ||
Mulder, prof. dr. M. (Machiel) | Professor of Energy Economics | Economics of energy markets, energy systems, energy policy, energy transition, regulation of energy networks, climate policy |
Nieuwenhuis, A.C. | Applied microeconometrics, Labor economics | |
Odding, A.C.M. (Céline) | ||
Oldeniel, M.M. (Mark) van, MSc | PhD candidate |
Interests: Behavioural economics, Experimental economics Supervisors: Adriaan Soetevent, Noemi Peter |
Onderišinová, B. | ||
Ong, H.H. (How Hwee), Dr | Postdoctoral Researcher | Behavioral science, social psychology |
Ooijen, dr. R. (Raun) van | Assistant professor | My research interests are Health Economics, Public Health, Public Economics, Economics of Ageing, Saving and Consumption Behavior, Microeconometrics. |
Osterhaus, M.K. (Maximilian), Dr | Assistant Professor | My research focuses on the nonparametric estimation of random coefficient discrete choice models. |
Pen, M.D. (Michael), MSc | PhD Candidate in Econometrics | Somewhere in between microeconomics and (micro)econometrics :) |
Peng, Y. (David), PhD | Assistant professor; Programme coordinator BSc E&BE (Business Economics track) | Financial development, economic growth, international finance |
Péter, A.N. (Noémi), Dr | Associate Professor |
Interests: Experimental and behavioral economics, Gender, Education, Labor Personal website: |
Pfeil, C.S. (Sebastian), Dr | ||
Phlippen, prof. dr. S.M.W. (Sandra) | Endowed Professor of Sustainable Banking (NVB financing) | Economics of climate change and climate policy; Sustainable banking; Decarbonisation |
Pichler, S. (Stefan), PhD | Associate Professor | Health Economics, Labour Economics, Applied Econometrics. |
Plantinga, dr. A. (Auke) | Associate Professor | Behavioral Finance, Household Finance, ESG, Performance evaluation of investment portfolios, Mutual Funds, Retirement savings. |
Postepska, A. (Agnieszka), PhD | Associate Professor, Program Director BSc EOR | Applied microeconometrics, Labor Economics, Economics of Education, Migration, Development Economics |
Rauf, A. (Asad), PhD | Associate Professor of Finance | Banking, Corporate Finance, Political Economy |
Romensen, dr. G.J. (Gert-Jan) | Assistant Professor | Applied microeconomics and behavioral economics |
Roszbach, prof. dr. K.F. (Kasper) | Professor of Banking and Finance | Empirical banking, financial intermediation, household finance, central bank governance |
Salomons, R.M. (Roelof) | Professor by special appointment - Investment Theory and Asset Management (C.R. Rao Stichting) | Asset management, insurance, pension and wealth, with a focus in investment theory, asset allocation and macroeconomics |
Santen, dr. P.C. (Peter) van | Assistant Professor | Banking, finance, household behavior |
Saxena, K. (Kritika), PhD | ||
Schippers, dr. A.L. (Anouk) | Assistant professor | |
Scholtens, dr. L.J.R. (Bert) | Professor | Bert Scholtens is the Professor of Sustainable Banking and Finance. Fields he operates in are Banking, Finance, Economics. He applies this to Socially Responsible Investing, Financial intermediation, Financial institutions, International finance, Financial systems, Environmental economics, Biodiversity finance, Climate Finance, Energy Transition Finance. |
Schoonbeek, prof. dr. L. (Bert) | Emeritus professor (by special appointment) of applied game theory | Applied Game Theory, Contest Theory, Industrial Organization |
Scotti Bentivoglio, G. (Giovanni) | PhD Student | Socioeconomic outcomes throughout the life course, Intergenerational inequality, Demography |
See, S.G. (Sarah Grace), PhD | Assistant Professor | Education, Household, Labor, Gender, Demography, Time use |
Shimu, A. A., MSc | ||
Shui, A. (Ailun), MSc | PhD student | Health economics |
Sloot-Pol, G. (Grietje) | Program Assistant BSc Economics and Business Economics | |
Smid, dr. P.P.M. (Peter) | Director of education | Finance, Derivative Instruments |
Soetevent, prof. dr. A.R. (Adriaan) | Full professor of Microeconomics | industrial economics, behavioral economics, experimental economics, social interactions, charitable giving |
Stangenberg, L. (Lennart) | PhD student | Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Environmental Economics |
Stein, C.L. (Claire), MSc | Ph.D. candidate in Development Economics |
Aspiring Development Economist & Gender Equality Advocate with a commitment to translating research into action for social change. As a Ph.D. candidate in Development Economics at the University of Groningen, I use experimental methods to design and evaluate an intervention aimed at improving women's economic and social outcomes in Northern Vietnam. Additionally, I investigate how cultural models of agency affect these outcomes, as well as behavioral aspects such as willingness to compete and preferences for redistribution. In addition to my academic pursuits, I have over three years of experience in implementation research in development contexts. With a focus on Southeast Asia, notably Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam, while also engaging in diverse projects on a global scale, I have worked across diverse areas and collaborated with a broad spectrum of stakeholders, encompassing grassroots organizations, Civil Society Organizations, NGOs, UN bodies, governmental agencies, and donors. |
Stephan, L.S. (Lisa Sanna), PhD | I am an assistant professor in Econometrics. My research focuses around estimating social networks and processes mitigated through them. | |
Sterken, prof. dr. E. (Elmer) | Professor of Monetary Economics | Monetary Economics. |
Swank, L.M. (Lotte), MSc | PhD candidate and Lecturer | |
Toolsema-Veldman, dr. L.A. (Linda) | Researcher (COELO) | Industrial organization, public finance |
Tort Carrera, A., MSc | ||
Treurniet, dr. M. (Mark) | Assistant Professor | Development Economics, Impact Evaluation |
Tsvetkov, dr. A.A. (Artem) | Docent | Derivative Instruments |
Tziolas, dr. I. (Ioanna) | Assistant Professor | |
Vaart, A.J. (Jeroen) van der | Lecturer and Post-Doc |
Economics of Aging, Health Economics, Computational Economics and Public Economics. Personal webpage |
Vecellio Segate, R. (Riccardo), Dr | Postdoctoral Researcher |
Dr Riccardo VECELLIO SEGATE is a socio-legal researcher and policy consultant in technology regulation, public international law, bioethics, and intellectual property rights, with a special focus on East, South, and South-East Asia (especially China, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India). He is currently a PostDoc in epistemic injustice at the University of Groningen (Faculty of Economics and Business). Previously, he worked as a Research Associate in identity-system biometrics at The Alan Turing Institute (London), and as a Lecturer and PostDoc in smart collaborative robotics and human-machine interaction at the University of Dundee. Riccardo sits on the editorial board of Data & Policy (Cambridge UP) as well as the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (Springer). He is also into technical standardisation, and has recently been a member of the IEEE SA P3349 – Space System Cybersecurity Working Group. His law and policy research works, including >25 single-authored research articles, have been published in world-renowned journals (by Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, UCLA, North Carolina, Hastings, CUNY, etc) and awarded research prizes (eg the Best Young Scholar Paper Prize at the 2019 Algorithms Conference in Fukuoka). They are regularly presented worldwide (NUS, KU Leuven, Roma Sapienza, Renmin, Peking, York Toronto, Aberdeen, Glasgow, IIIT Bangalore, VNU Hanoi, Nanyang Singapore, Geneva, Wuhan, Bologna, Trieste, Gottingen, Rosario Bogotá, BIICL, Roma Tre, Łódź, Queen Mary London, Copenhagen, IE Madrid, Minho Braga, Gießen, etc), and cited by parliaments, tribunals, diplomats, and regulators globally (including, most recently, South Korea’s National Assembly, the US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice, UNCITRAL, and Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court). Riccardo’s most cited work to date, ‘Cognitive Bias, Privacy Rights, and Digital Evidence in International Criminal Proceedings: Demystifying the Double-Edged AI Revolution’ (International Criminal Law Review, 2021) has represented the first comprehensive analysis of the potential use of AI in this field. Dr VECELLIO SEGATE has held visiting positions at UC Berkeley Law, Hong Kong University, Tsinghua Law School (Beijing), the University of Leeds, and the University of Milan, and has been the Case-law Reporter from Hong Kong for Oxford University Press. He served in various roles for numerous firms and institutions including Rouse & Co LLP, Qatar University, EXPO2015, and the Italian National Committee for UNESCO, and trained at the European Commission (DG CNECT) as a BlueBook. To acquire a deeper understanding of the technologies he regulates and advises on, he is also pursuing a BEng in Industrial Production Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan. Previously, he had studied geopolitics and EU Affairs at ISPI Milan and earned several degrees, including a PgDip in European and Global Governance from the University of Bristol, an LLM in Public International Law from Utrecht University, and a PhD (without corrections; Talent Program) in International Law from the University of Macau. Furthermore, Riccardo is a professional classical/jazz musician, with a BMus (first class) and MMus in Piano Performance from the State Conservatory of Verona. He has been one of the last students of Aldo Ciccolini in Paris, and earned several first prizes in national piano competitions in Italy (eg Cesenatico 2007, Bardolino 2007, Giussano 2008, Osimo 2011). |
Veenstra, drs. A.T. (Arjen) | Electricity markets | |
Veld-Patje, A. | ||
Vergara Fernandez, dr. S.M. (Melissa) | Assistant Professor | |
Viluma, L. (Laura), PhD | Assistant Professor of Health Economics | Health economics, Applied microeconomics |
Voloshyna, A.O. (Anastasiia) | Interplay between Labour and Health Economics, Genoeconomics. | |
Voorintholt, L. (Lieke) | PhD Candidate | Applied microeconomics, Behavioral Economics |
Vullings, dr. D. (Daniel) | Assistant professor | |
Vuuren, prof. dr. A.P. (Aico) van | Professor in Econometrics | Econometrics, Labor economics, Economics of the housing market. |
Waal, T. de, MSc | ||
Wakoya, A.G., BA | PhD student | |
Wang, G., M | PhD student | |
Wang, prof. dr. W. (Weining) | Prof. | |
Wansbeek, T.J. (Tom) | Professor | |
Westerman, dr. W. (Wim) | Assistant Professor | Capital budgeting, corporate finance, working capital, energy finance |
Wit, J.R. (Juliette) de, PhD | Assistant professor | As a political economist who is also trained in philosophy, I examine why some socio-economic disparities, such as differences in income, job opportunities, and wellbeing, are so persistent and difficult to solve. In doing so, I go beyond purely economic explanations. I analyse the role of cultural factors such as norms, values, and identities, and study the deeper historical roots of contemporary socio-economic outcomes. I work together with historians, political scientists, and philosophers, as I believe that synthesizing ideas from different disciplines is necessary to tackle these complex societal issues. |
Xu, Y. (Yan), PhD | Assistant Professor | Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Decision Theory, Information Theory |
Yan, D. (Di), MSc | PhD student | |
Yin, A. (Ao), MSc | PhD Candidate | Ethnic disparities in the labor market, socio-cultural capital, second-generation migrants, mixed-method research |
Zaal, dr. R.O.S. (Raymond) | Assistant Professor | Business Ethics Integrity Management Financial Management |
Zhu, L. (Lingxiu), MSc | PhD Student | |
Zhu, W. (Wei), Dr | Assistant Professor, a.k.a. "Rock" |
Risk theory, Actuarial sciences, Risk insurance, Probability theory, Mathematics, Fractional calculus, Financial Mathematics |
Zwart, dr. G.T.J. (Gijsbert) | Associate Professor | theory of industrial organization, real options, contract theory |
Last modified: | 17 October 2024 11.55 a.m. |