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Reminiscing about the good ol' days

5 Things We Took for Granted

Date:29 May 2020
On June 1st, the government’s new measures will allow people to return to their social activities, but it won’t be quite the same. Maybe now we’ll be able to realize all the things we took for granted. Here are 5 that I am positive we should’ve appreciated more,
The Academy Building in 1614

5 Surprising Historical Facts about the UG

Date:25 May 2020
From the first international students in the 1730s to becoming a part of the Imperial University of Paris, the UG has seen a lot throughout its 405-year history. For this blog, I have dug through the University’s archives to uncover some lesser-known historical facts and figures about our university. 
Thesis mode: On

How to Write your Thesis from Home

Date:22 May 2020
Just like Asmo, you may be currently in the process of writing a thesis. But with no library to go to and noisy siblings in the background, concentrating can be difficult at times. In this blog, you can read some tips on how Asmo still manages to be productive and write his thesis despite being stuck at home. 
Casual networking

Careers: how and where do I start?

Date:19 May 2020
Thinking about the future is daunting, but there is no time like the present to think about your career path! Danique gives a few useful tips that will help figure out how to plan your career.
This is what I look like when I am hungry and am forced to pose for a photo

5 Weekday Recipes You Need to Know

Date:11 May 2020
If you are having a stressful week, or just want to save some extra free time while still eating delicious, fresh food, keep on reading.
Staying productive while doing some art at home. Not the best at it, but hey, it's something!

4 Different UG Initiatives to Expand Your Mind

Date:06 May 2020
Feeling unproductive during these strange times? Here are 4 different UG initiatives to help you expand your mind!
Liberation in the Poelestraat, Groningen 1945

Liberation Day 2020

Date:04 May 2020
What is Dutch liberation day, and how do we celebrate it? Danique writes about the history, traditions and how to celebrate in 2020.
Ready for class with my official uniform for the rest of the block

10 Things that Have Happened Since the Switch to Online Classes

Date:24 April 2020
Going to class in PJs, professors showing their pets in the lectures, napping during class... they're all things that have happened since we switched to online classes. Here's all of them:
Go online!

Groningen Online: 22.-29. April

Date:22 April 2020
Yesterday the Dutch government announced that the lockdown measures will be upheld until at least the 20th of May. To make life a little bit easier for you, we have gathered some activities taking place this week which you can attend via the comfort of your home to defeat boredom!  
A pic of the first time I visited the UG!

What it’s like to do Honours next to my Media Studies degree

Date:17 April 2020
Ariana explains what it's like to be a student in Media Studies and the Honours College!