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Education Bachelor's Bachelor's international students Study in Groningen Associations

Political association

Do you want to get politically active during your studies in Groningen? In that case you could consider joining a political association. Most or our national political parties have a student department in Groningen and there are also local parties especially for students:

Political youth organization of CDA.

DWARS Groningen
Political youth organization of GroenLinks.

Gopher (association for PhD-students)
Union for PhD-students in Groningen.

Groninger Politiek Jongeren Kontakt (GPJK)
Umbrella organization for political youth organizations.

Groninger Studentenbond
Groningen Union for students.

Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg (ISO)
National student organization for the interests of students.

Jonge Democraten
Political youth organization of D66.

Jonge Socialisten in de PvdA afdeling Groningen
Political youth organization of PvdA.

JOVD Groningen
Political youth organization of VVD.

Landelijk Overleg Fracties (LOF)
National council of student factions of university councils.

National union for students in the Netherlands.

Political youth organization of Partij voor de Dieren.

ROOD Groningen
Political youth organization of SP.

Studenten Organisatie Groningen (SOG)
Politically neutral party in the University Council especially for students.

Student en Stad
Party in the Municipal Council of Groningen especially for students.

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Last modified:19 October 2021 2.30 p.m.