Ethics Committee Campus Fryslân
The Ethics Committee (EC) of the UG faculty Campus Fryslân (CF) provides ethical review for research projects conducted or supervised by department members, and/or involving faculty students. The EC provides advice to help researchers address ethical concerns and arbitrate ethical conflicts in a rigorous and timely way before research projects can start.
The EC is a highly interdisciplinary committee consisting of the following members:
Josefine Geiger (Chair, CF)
Mariana C. Chrispim (CF)
Laura Kapinga (UCG)
Nena Lejko (UCG)
Anne Beaulieu (CF)
How to submit an ethics application
The review process begins when a researcher sends in an application. Research conducted or supervised by members of CF can receive advice from the EC. Note that when a member of the EC is directly involved with the research under review (as a supervisor, collaborator or similar), s/he will not participate in the EC review to avoid conflict of interest.
The flowchart below illustrates the decision process of the EC, and how it comes to (conditionally) approve or reject a proposal. The calendar indicates on which dates the EC convenes and subsequently before which deadline an application should be submitted.
Read more on how the EC review procedure works. A template for EC applications, a template information sheet and informed consent sheet is available on Brightspace under Research Ethics.*
In the section “Guidelines” you can find a list of codes of ethics on which the EC bases its decisions.
In case of questions or concerns, please feel free to write the EC at ethics-cf One of the EC committee members will respond to you within one week
*If the hyperlink does not work for you but you need access to the Brightspace page, please contact the Ethics Committee. They will assist you in enrolling in the course.

Last modified: | 27 January 2025 10.44 a.m. |