Publication in Journal of Regulatory Economics on impact of energy transition on yardstick regulation
Datum: | 04 maart 2024 |

The Journal of Regulatory Economics published our article on the impact of energy transition on distribution network costs and effectiveness of yardstick competition. In this research, Floris van Montfoort (PhD candidate at University of Groningen), Peter T. Dijkstra (senior resarcher at the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Market) and Professor of Energy Economics Machiel Mulder (University of Groningen) find that the installed capacities of solar PV and on-shore wind and number of public electric-vehicle charging points are associated with higher distribution network costs. As the installed capacities of these technologies differ among distribution grid operators, these differences have to be taken into account in the application of yardstick regulation, as otherwise some network operators earn too much revenues whereas others earn too little revenues.