Lennard Rekker defended his PhD thesis on Economics of Hydrogen Markets
Datum: | 10 maart 2024 |

Many policy scenarios suggest an increasing integration of green hydrogen driven by falling electrolyzer cost, higher shares of low cost renewable electricity from wind and solar, and higher carbon prices. However, limited attention has been paid so far to the underlying economic mechanisms and regulation of energy markets. What is the role of these economic aspects in determining the prospects of green hydrogen? This question has been answered by Lennard Rekker in his PhD thesis on the Economics of Hydrogen Markets, which he succesfully defended at the University of Groningen last week.
Rekker's PhD supervisors were Professor Machiel Mulder and Associate Professor Michaela Kesina. Many thanks for the participation in the committee to Leonardo Meeus, Evrim Ursavas, Marjan Hofkes, Catrinus Jepma, Jan P.A.M. Jacobs and Pim Heijen. Also thanks to Floris van Montfoort and Arjen Veenstra for the support as paranimphs.