Aletta Research Meet-up 14 April 2022

On 14 April 2022, our next full day Aletta Research Meet-up takes place at the Wiebenga complex in Groningen. It is an event were the connection is sought between science, policy and practice, the pillars of Aletta are discussed, and a meeting place is created for the partners of the School.
This time, the topic of the meet-up is obesity and the goal of the event is to facilitate a nuanced discussion about the topic. The programme has been built in such a way so that it reflects not only on the perspective of physical health, but also on (for example) psychological, social, ethical, and economic aspects of (living with) obesity.
Three keynote lectures by Anton Scheurink, Mirjam Kaijser and Stuart Flint are planned, a panel discussion and two rounds of break-out sessions. See the details in the programme and register!

The day, including the afternoon panel discussion, will be moderated by Karine van 't Land.
Karine is a researcher and lecturer at Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health and at the University of Groningen Business School. She also works as a policy advisor on prevention and health for health insurance company Menzis.
Karine is a public health physician with a background in well-child care, and she developed and taught the minor in medical leadership at Radboudumc. She has a wide range of interests and likes to connect different areas of knowledge and practice.