Abstracts of the presentations
Why historical knowledge is indispensable in tackling COVID-19
Rina Knoeff, Associate Professor in History of Medicine and Science
Faculty of Arts, RUG
Although it seems we live through unique times, nothing is farther from the truth. For centuries people have learned to live with plagues far worse than Covid-19. How can we use historical knowledge in practical advice and policymaking?
Implications of COVID-19 for prevention and public health policy
Annegreet Wubs, Public Health Advisor, GGD Groningen
In the presentation, it will be discussed how the lessons we learn from the COVID-19 pandemic, and from public health research, can feed into new directions for local and national public health policy.
Coordinating personal protective equipment logistics
Paul Buijs, Assistant Professor Sustainable Logistics
Faculty of Economics and Business, RUG
The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly highlighted the important role of logistics in ensuring continuity of safe and high-quality healthcare. This presentation will focus on the logistics of personal protective equipment based on hands-on experience gained from participating in the team coordinating these logistics processes in the North of the Netherlands.
Public Health foresight, in the light of COVID-19
Henk Hilderink, Topexpert in Dutch Public Health Foresight, RIVM
The Dutch Public Health foresight study 2020 explores future developments of health, taking into account the different scenarios for the corona pandemic. It addresses the direct health effects but also indirect effects the crisis will have; for example, due to changes in regular health care, changes in lifestyle and socio-economic trends. The aim is to be better prepared for possible future developments and to support a better assessment of policy strategies in which the broad effects are integrated.
Work challenges in times of COVID-19: supporting the multi-age workforce
Susanne Scheibe, Professor of Lifespan Development and Organizational Behavior
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, RUG
The Corona pandemic has had a profound influence on working life. Although the health crisis affects nearly everyone, voices quickly emerged that older workers may be in special need of support. Yet, aging also comes with many benefits which help older workers navigate the new working conditions. Indeed, it was young people who reported the highest levels of distress and loneliness during the first weeks in lockdown. This presentation will address the question what organizations can do to support their multi-age workforce during lockdown and in the transition back to the new normal.

Last modified: | 06 January 2021 12.00 p.m. |