Aletta Research Meet-up 5 April 2019

The recently published WRR Report From Health Differences to Health Potential was central to this Aletta Research Meet-up. In particular, we focused on the underlying conceptual and political frameworks. Speaking about potential is of course related to Huber’s concept of ‘positive health’ and favors capability approaches. Yet, it also has a neo-liberal ring to it, which is perhaps not always desirable. The report is rooted in ideas about social justice, the good life and healthy life expectancy, but are we aware of the report’s underlying assumptions? Do health policies have to be more inclusive of other (perhaps even ‘unhealthy’) choices? Click here to read a blog about the WRR Report with Brigit Toebes and Hinke Haisma.
These and related questions were discussed in the two central topics:
Conceptual Perspectives on Health, Science, and Politics (morning) and Health and Politics (afternoon)
Chairman of the day: Frederic van Kleef
Keynote Klasien Horstman - Where are the publics of public health? Reframing problems of 'reach'
Plenary Roundtable
The WRR Report: A good basis for health politics?
Plenary roundtable on the politics of the WRR report, with public health professionals, politicians and scientists. Central questions are: How does the WRR report influence today's policymaking? How practicable is the advice given in the report? Is it necessary to be aware of underlying biases? How do we make sure that the people's voice is heard?
- Health and Morality
- Approaches to Health
- Poverty and Health
- International Perspectives on Health
Making useful connections is an important goal of our Research Meet-ups, that is why during the day one time slot was available to network with other public health professionals. In order to make useful connections an event management app was be provided.