Green Office medewerkers
De Green Office bestaat uit een interdisciplinair team van medewerkers en studentassistenten. Het team werkt aan duurzaam beleid, adviseert diensten en faculteiten en coordineert uiteenlopende projecten.

Dick Jager
Programmamanager Duurzaamheid
T: 050 363 4575
M: 06 394 064 28
"Working at the Green Office provides me with the opportunity to work with a highly motivated, skilled, and creative team of professionals together on improving sustainability not only at the UG but also outside the UG. It is important for me that what we do as a Green Office really matters and that we in this way add (although little) something to improve the world. Working at the Green Office is also fun, challenging, and inspiring.
I was born in Groningen and have worked for almost 28 years for the UG. I started at the UG as an intern where I did research on the biodegradation by bacteria of haloalkanes in soil. Then I started working in a lab at the former Biological Centre in Haren where I did biochemical research on Nitrogen fixation of Peas. After that, I worked for some years for Bioclear earth and then began working as an environmental specialist at the UG. In 2014, I started as a program manager and established the Green Office in 2015."

Nils Elzinga
Coördinator Green Office / Projectleider
T: 06 34815970
“Inspired by the likes of Paul Hawken, Kate Raworth, Joaquin Phoenix and David Attenborough, I’ve gained interest in integrating topics of sustainability in my life. I have no illusion that I can save the world’s environmental problems by myself, but working at the Green Office, I can do my part for the University and hopefully inspire others in the process.
As coordinator of the Green Office I have the opportunity to guide highly motivated and talented students and organize sustainability events at the RUG. Besides that, I can work on various projects within the complex and dynamic environment of the University. This on topics such as food, greening the labs, biodiversity and waste.”

Marijke Nieborg
Projectleider Duurzaam Onderwijs & Onderzoek
"To me as a philosopher, the quest of sustainability is the same as the quest for a more diverse and inclusive world. It all revolves around fairness, who gets what (resources, power)? And how to divide this more fairly. In going towards a more sustainable way of living we will need to make changes. This is the time to make sure that these changes are made in an inclusive way because the only way the world can become more sustainable is if everyone can participate. I love working on these ideals together with an interdisciplinary team."

Francine Nijp
Communicatieadviseur Duurzaamheid
T: 050 363 4014
M: 0621451382
"I absolutely love working in a dynamic academic environment. On top of that I get to work in a team fully dedicated to sustainability, which is in my opinion the main challenge of our time. Having children motivates even more for this subject, since it will literally impact their future on this planet. It’s however not always easy to get people on board for a greener and more sustainable university. Informing and motivating staff and students, and decisionmakers is a challenge, but I’m confident that step by step we will definitely reach our goals. In order to do so, we need to be bold, optimistic and persistent!
I have lived in Groningen for most of my life and do not intend to leave anytime soon. After finishing my master’s degree in Arts & Culture, I somehow found my way to communication and sustainability."

Sander Dijkstra
Environmental Officer
T: 050 363 2383
M: 0611143686
"The Green Office gives me the opportunity to implement sustainable projects. The Green Office is an inspiring team with motivated students and employees. This gives me energy to think about new sustainable projects! (and implement them ;) )
I studied Environmental Science in Leeuwarden. After my study, I started my career as an acoustic consultant. Since 2014 I work at the UG as an environmental officer."
Laatst gewijzigd: | 26 augustus 2024 14:41 |