Keynote by Prof. Anique de Bruin

The rapidly increasing information availability and digitalization, and the consequential call for more competency-based and less knowledge-based teaching, is often answered in higher education by having students self-regulate their learning more and providing them more freedom to make choices. But can our students handle this freedom? How do they make choices and what do they learn from making their own choices? In this lecture, I argue that development of self-regulation skills is an instructional design problem that requires extensive practice and support. How and when students are provided freedom deserves specific attention in this process.
Anique de Bruin is Professor Self-Regulation in Higher Education at Maastricht University. Her main research interest lies in the field of metacognition and expertise development. More specifically, she is interested in how we can promote selfmonitoring and self-regulation of learning activities in students, trainees and professionals. She conducts research in the domains of text comprehension, problem solving, and clinical reasoning.
Last modified: | 21 April 2022 11.43 a.m. |