Turning the Page on Pedagogy (TPP) book club
Wanneer: | do 04-04-2024 16:00 - 19:00 |
Waar: | In Google Calendar event |
Turning the Page on Pedagogy (TPP) is a book club that serves the community of teachers and learners in higher education, in Groningen. The book club is open to everyone (students and teachers alike) who is interested in educational philosophy, didactics, and educational practice. We meet four times per year and share conversations about a book that we select and read. TPP is an initiative of Tassos Sarampalis, but belongs equally to all its participants. It is supported by the Teaching Academy Groningen. For more information, and to sign up for the mailing list, visit: https://sarampalis.com/teaching/pedagogy-bookclub/
This time, we are reading and discussing the book Co-creating Learning and Teaching: Towards Relational Pedagogy in Higher Education, by Catherine Bovill. You can access the eBook through the University’ Library.

Co-creation of learning and teaching, where students and staff collaborate to design curricula or elements of curricula, is an important pedagogical idea within higher education, key to meaningful learner engagement and building positive student-staff relationships. Drawing on literature from schools’ education, and using a range of examples from universities worldwide, this book highlights the benefits of classroom-level, relational, dialogic pedagogy and co-creation. It includes a focus on the classroom as the site of co-creation, examples of practice and practical guidance, and a unique perspective in bringing together the concept of co-creation with relational pedagogy within higher education learning and teaching.
This event will be in English.
Sign up here before 01-04-2024.