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Smit, prof. dr. ir. Chris

Chris Smit
Chris Smit

Chris Smit is an associate professor of Experimental Conservation Ecology at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Groningen. He studied Forest and Nature Conservation at Wageningen University. Smit specializes in experimental conservation ecology, investigating interactions between species and their effects on the dynamics, biodiversity, and spatial organization of natural communities.

Smit mostly uses large-scale field studies in ecosystems where herbivores, including large herbivores, play an important role (e.g., temperate savannahs, forest meadows, semi-arid steppes, temperate lowland forests, salt marshes, wetlands). His interest lies with facilitation, i.e. positive interactions between species, and how these interactions are shaped by the interplay of different biotic and abiotic factors. Furthermore, Smit researches the ecology of fear, i.e. how large predators —and humans— influence herbivore behaviour, with possible cascading effects on the ecosystem.

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prof. dr. ir. Chris Smit

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Last modified:18 July 2024 09.55 a.m.
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