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Wieling, prof. dr. Martijn

Martijn Wieling
Martijn Wieling

Martijn Wieling studeerde Computing Science (master; cum laude) en Behavioral Cognitive Neurosciences (master; cum laude) aan de RUG. Hij promoveerde in 2012 cum laude aan de RUG, op onderzoek naar kwantitatieve methoden om dialectverschillen te onderzoeken. Omdat hij de lange tijd gescheiden vakgebieden dialectometrie en sociolinguïstiek technisch dichter bij elkaar bracht, werd het mogelijk de verweven invloed van geografie en sociale factoren op taalvariatie te bepalen. Na zijn promotie heeft hij met een Rubicon-beurs een jaar in Tübingen in samenwerking met Harald Baayen onderzoek gedaan naar taalvariatie in de mond. Hij zet zijn onderzoek naar taalvariatie nu met een Veni-subsidie van NWO voort bij de afdeling Informatiekunde aan de Faculteit der Letteren. Daar doet hij met een articulograaf (die de beweging van tong en lippen meet) onderzoek naar de Engelse uitspraak van Nederlanders en Duitsers. Wieling onderzoekt waar hun tong- en lipbewegingen verschillen van die van Engelse sprekers, en hoe de visualisatie hiervan kan bijdragen aan het verbeteren van hun uitspraak.

In 2018 verrichtte Wieling (onder de noemer Grenzenloos Lallen) op Lowlands onderzoek naar het spreken van Engels door iemand die alcohol heeft gedronken.

In 2014 is Wieling benoemd tot lid van De Jonge Akademie van de KNAW. In mei 2016 werd bekend dat Wieling de prestigieuze European Young Researchers Award heeft gewonnen. De jury sprak haar waardering uit voor Wieling als bijzondere, breed en maatschappelijk georiënteerde wetenschapper.

Eerder in het nieuws


Mohammadi, M., Wieling, M., & Vols, M. (2025). An interpretable approach to detect case law on housing and eviction issues within the HUDOC database. Artificial Intelligence and Law. Advance online publication.
Tienkamp, T., Rebernik, T., D’Cruz, R., van Son, R., Wieling, M., Witjes, M., de Visscher, S., & Abur, D. (2025). Articulatory–kinematic changes in speech following surgical treatment for oral or oropharyngeal cancer: A systematic review. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 60(1), Article e13148.


Hoekzema, N., Rebernik, T., Tienkamp, T., Chaboksavar, S., Ciot, V., Gleichman, A., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., Wieling, M., & Abur, D. (2024). Assessing differences in articulatory-acoustic vowel space in Parkinson’s disease by sex and phenotype. Poster session presented at 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, Autrans, France.
Hoekzema, N., Rebernik, T., Tienkamp, T., Chaboksavar, S., Ciot, V., Gleichman, A., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., Wieling, M., & Abur, D. (2024). Assessing Differences in Articulatory-Acoustic Vowel Space in Parkinson’s Disease by Sex and Phenotype. In Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production
Vos, J., Tienkamp, T., Rebernik, T., van Son, R., Wieling, M., de Visscher, S., Witjes, M., & Abur, D. (2024). Assessing the size of tongue movements before and after surgery for lateral tongue tumor.
Tienkamp, T., Rebernik, T., Halpern, B., van Son, R., Wieling, M., Witjes, M., de Visscher, S., & Abur, D. (2024). Associations between acoustic, kinematic, self-reported and perceptual based measures of speech in individuals surgically treated for oral cancer. Poster session presented at 2024 Motor Speech Conference, San Diego, California, United States.
Sekeres, H., Heeringa, W., De Vries, W., Zwagers, O. Y., Wieling, M., & Jensma, G. T. H. (2024). Developing Infrastructure for Low-Resource Language Corpus Building. In M. Melero, S. Sakti, & C. Soria (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages @ LREC-COLING 2024 (pp. 72-78). European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
Polsterer, K., Hoekzema, N., Rebernik, T., Tienkamp, T., Tsiwah, F., Wang, L., Sekeres, H. G., Amooie, R., de Vries, W., Wieling, M., & Abur, D. (2024). Development of auditory discrimination of vowels from middle childhood to adulthood. Poster session presented at 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, Autrans, France.
Tienkamp, T., Rebernik, T., Buurke, R., Polsterer, K., van Son, R., Wieling, M., de Visscher, S., Witjes, M., & Abur, D. (2024). Effect of Speaking Style of Vowel Acoustics: A Comparison of Individuals with Tongue Cancer Before and Following Surgical Treatment. Poster session presented at 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, Autrans, France.
Hao, Y., Amooie, R., de Vries, W., Tienkamp, T., van Noord, R., & Wieling, M. (2024). Exploring Self-Supervised Speech Representations for Cross-lingual Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2024 (pp. 4603-4607). ISCA.
Rebernik, T., Jacobi, J., Tiede, M., & Wieling, M. (Accepted/In press). Identifying different types of lingual tremor in individuals with Parkinson’s disease using electromagnetic articulography: a follow-up study. In Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production
Buurke, R., Bartelds, M., Heeringa, W., Knooihuizen, R., & Wieling, M. (2024). Intergenerational language transmission of Frisian and Low Saxon in the Netherlands. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
Rebernik, T., Tiede, M., Tienkamp, T., Abur, D., Jacobi, J., & Wieling, M. (Accepted/In press). Lingual motor learning based on real-time visual feedback in individuals with and without Parkinson's disease. In Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production
Brouwer, J., Buurke, R., van den Berg, F., Knooihuizen, R., Loerts, H., Bartelds, M., Wieling, M., & Keijzer, M. (2024). Minority language happiness: The link between social inclusion, well-being, and speaking a regional language in the northern Netherlands. Ampersand, 12, Article 100173.
Tiede, M., Boyce, S., Stern, M., Rebernik, T., & Wieling, M. (2024). Production allophones of North American English liquids. In Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (pp. 153-156)
Halpern, B., Tienkamp, T., Huang, W.-C., Violeta, L. P., Rebernik, T., de Visscher, S., Witjes, M., Wieling, M., Abur, D., & Toda, T. (2024). Quantifying the effect of speech pathology on automatic and human speaker verification. In Proceedings of Interspeech 2024 (pp. 3015-3019). ISCA.
Tienkamp, T., Rebernik, T., Buurke, R., Polsterer, K., van Son, R., Wieling, M., Witjes, M., de Visscher, S., & Abur, D. (2024). The Effect of Speaking Style on the Articulatory-Acoustic Vowel Space in Individuals with Tongue Cancer before and after Surgical Treatment. In Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production
Tienkamp, T., Rebernik, T., Jacobi, J., Wieling, M., & Abur, D. (2024). The Impact of Electromagnetic Articulography Sensors on the Articulatory- Acoustic Vowel Space in Speakers with and without Parkinson's Disease. In Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production
van den Berg, F., Buurke, R., Brouwer, J., Loerts, H., Knooihuizen, R., Bartelds, M., Wieling, M., & Keijzer, M. (Accepted/In press). The relationship between bilingual engagement and cognitive aging in regional minority-majority language contexts: A Lifelines study.


Buurke, R. S. S. J., Bartelds, M., Knooihuizen, R., & Wieling, M. (2024). Multiple estimates of the Frisian and Low Saxon speaker population size in the Netherlands. Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online.
Schepers, I., Medvedeva, M., Bruijn, M., Wieling, M., & Vols, M. (2024). Predicting citations in Dutch case law with natural language processing. Artificial Intelligence and Law, 32, 807-837.
Tienkamp, T., Rebernik, T., Halpern, B., van Son, R., Wieling, M., Witjes, M., de Visscher, S., & Abur, D. (2024). Quantifying Changes in Articulatory Working Space in Individuals Surgically Treated for Oral Cancer with Electromagnetic Articulography. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 67(2), 384-399.
Rebernik, T., Tienkamp, T., Polsterer, K., Hukker, V., Medvedeva, M., van der Ploeg, M., Schepers, I., Sekeres, H. G., de Vries, W., Abur, D., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., & Wieling, M. (2023). 5-minute Formant Adaptation Task in Dutch Children. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2023)
Siewert, J., Wieling, M., & Scherrer, Y. (2023). Changing usage of Low Saxon auxiliary and modal verbs. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2023 (pp. 112-118). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
de Vries, W., Wieling, M., & Nissim, M. (2023). DUMB: A Benchmark for Smart Evaluation of Dutch Models. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (pp. 7221–7241). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
Meulman, N., Sprenger, S., Schmid, M., & Wieling, M. (2023). GAM-based individual difference measures for L2 ERP studies. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 2(3), Article 100079.
Bartelds, M., San, N., McDonnell, B., Jurafsky, D., & Wieling, M. (2023). Making more of little data: Improving low-resource automatic speech recognition using data augmentation. In A. Rogers, J. Boyd-Graber, & N. Okazaki (Eds.), Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (Vol. 1, pp. 715-729). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
Buurke, R. S. S. J., & Wieling, M. (2023). Sound Change Estimation in Netherlandic Regional Languages: Reducing Inter-Transcriber Variability in Dialect Corpora. Taal en Tongval, 75(1), 7-28.
Wieling, M., Rebernik, T., & Jacobi, J. (2023). SPRAAKLAB: a mobile laboratory for collecting speech production data. In R. Skarnitzl, & J. Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 2060-2064). Guarant International.
Buurke, R., Sekeres, H. G., Visser, L., & Wieling, M. (2023). Streektaalstrijd: een strategisch kennisspel over taal en dialect. Wink Games.


Lifelines Corona Research initiative, Ori, A. P. S., Wieling, M., & van Loo, H. M. (2023). Longitudinal analyses of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation highlight greater prevalence in the northern Dutch population during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Journal of Affective Disorders, 323, 62-70.
Medvedeva, M., Wieling, M., & Vols, M. (2023). Rethinking the field of automatic prediction of court decisions. Artificial Intelligence and Law, 31, 195–212.
Buurke, R., Sekeres, H. G., Heeringa, W., Knooihuizen, R., & Wieling, M. (2022). Aggregated sound change with respect to Standard Dutch in the Northern Netherlands. Poster session presented at 11th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe - ICLaVE|11.
Buurke, R., Sekeres, H., Knooihuizen, R., Heeringa, W., & Wieling, M. (2022). Aggregated sound change with respect to Standard Dutch in the Northern Netherlands. Poster session presented at 2nd Conference on Frisian Humanities, Leeuwarden, Netherlands.
Rousse-Malpat, A., Steinkrauss, R., Wieling, M., & Verspoor, M. (2022). Communicative language teaching: Structure-Based or Dynamic Usage-Based? JESLA, 6(1), 20-33.
Wieling, M. (2022). Dialect digitaal: nieuwe kansen voor streektaalgebruik en -onderzoek . (Inaugural Lectures). University of Groningen Press.
Postma, D. B. W., Wieling, M. B., Lemmink, K. A. P. M., & Zaal, F. T. J. M. (2022). Distance over Time in a Maximal Sprint: Understanding Athletes' Action Boundaries in Sprinting. Ecological Psychology, 34(4), 133–156.
Buurke, R., Sekeres, H. G., Heeringa, W., Knooihuizen, R., & Wieling, M. (2022). Estimating the level and direction of aggregated sound change of dialects in the Northern Netherlands. Taal en Tongval, 74(2), 183-214.
Siewert, J., Scherrer, Y., & Wieling, M. (2022). Low Saxon dialect distances at the orthographic and syntactic level. In N. Tahmasebi, S. Montariol, A. Kutuzov, S. Hengchen, H. Dubossarsky, & L. Borin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change (pp. 119-124). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
de Vries, W., Wieling, M., & Nissim, M. (2022). Make the Best of Cross-lingual Transfer: Evidence from POS Tagging with over 100 Languages. In S. Muresan, P. Nakov, & A. Villavicencio (Eds.), Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (pp. 7676-7685). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
Brouwer, J., Buurke, R., van den Berg, F., Loerts, H., Knooihuizen, R., Wieling, M., & Keijzer, M. (2022). Minority language happiness: The link between social inclusion, well-being, and speaking Frisian in the Northern Netherlands. Poster session presented at Cognitive Aging Conference, 2022, Atlanta, GA, United States.
Brouwer, J., Buurke, R., van den Berg, F., Knooihuizen, R., Loerts, H., Wieling, M., & Keijzer, M. (2022). Minority language happiness: The link between social inclusion, well-being, and speaking Frisian in the Northern Netherlands. Poster session presented at ISBPAC - 4th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children, Tromsø, Norway.
Bartelds, M., de Vries, W., Sanal, F., Richter, C., Liberman, M., & Wieling, M. (2022). Neural representations for modeling variation in speech. Journal of Phonetics, 92, Article 101137.
Tienkamp, T., Rebernik, T., Halpern, B., Abur, D., van Son, R., de Visscher, S., Witjes, M., & Wieling, M. (2022). Quantifying changes in articulatory working space following oral cancer treatment. Poster session presented at 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control.
Bartelds, M., & Wieling, M. (2022). Quantifying Language Variation Acoustically with Few Resources. In M. Carpuat, M.-C. de Marneffe, & I. V. Meza Ruiz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (pp. 3735-3741). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).


van Loo, H. M., Beijers, L., Wieling, M., de Jong, T. R., Schoevers, R. A., & Kendler, K. S. (2023). Prevalence of internalizing disorders, symptoms, and traits across age using advanced nonlinear models. Psychological Medicine, 53(1), 78-87.
Kliesch, M., Pfenninger, S. E., Wieling, M., Stark, E., & Meyer, M. (2022). Cognitive benefits of learning additional languages in old adulthood? Insights from an intensive longitudinal intervention study. Applied Linguistics, 43(4), 653-676.
Rebernik, T., Jacobi, J., Tiede, M., & Wieling, M. (2021). Accuracy assessment of two electromagnetic articulographs: NDI Wave and NDI Vox. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 64(7), 2637-2667.
Vries, W. D., Bartelds, M., Nissim, M., & Wieling, M. (2021). Adapting Monolingual Models: Data can be Scarce when Language Similarity is High. In C. Zong, F. Xia, W. Li, & R. Navigli (Eds.), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021 (pp. 4901–4907). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
Rebernik, T., Jacobi, J., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., & Wieling, M. (2021). A review of data collection practices using electromagnetic articulography. Laboratory Phonology, 12(1), Article 6.
Medvedeva, M., Dam, T., Wieling, M., & Vols, M. (2021). Automatically identifying eviction cases and outcomes within case law of Dutch Courts of First Instance. In E. Schweighofer (Ed.), Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (pp. 13-22). (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications; Vol. 346). IOS Press.
Medvedeva, M., Üstün, A., Xu, X., Vols, M., & Wieling, M. (2021). Automatic judgement forecasting for pending applications of the European Court of Human Rights. In K. D. Ashley, K. Atkinson, L. K. Branting, E. Francesconi, M. Grabmair, V. R. Walker, B. Waltl, & A. Zachary Wyner (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Automatec Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Text (ASAIL 2021) (pp. 12-23). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Nerbonne, J., Heeringa, W., Prokic, J., & Wieling, M. (2021). Dialectology for computational linguists. In M. Zampieri, & P. Nakov (Eds.), Similar languages, varieties, and dialects: A computational perspective (pp. 96-118). (Studies in Natural Language Processing). Cambridge University Press.
Buurke, R., Sekeres, H., Heeringa, W., Knooihuizen, R., & Wieling, M. (2021). Estimating the Level and Direction of Phonetic Dialect Change in the Northern Netherlands. arXiv.


Wieling, M., Tiede, M., Rebernik, T., de Jong, L., Braggaar, A., Bartelds, M., Medvedeva, M., Heisterkamp, P., Freire Offrede, T., Sekeres, H., Pot, A., Ploeg, van der, M., Volkers, K., & Mills, G. (2021). A novel paradigm to investigate phonetic convergence in interaction. In M. Tiede, D. H. Whalen, & V. Gracco (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (pp. 1-4). Haskins Press.
Jacobi, J., Rebernik, T., Jonkers, R., Maassen, B., Proctor, M., & Wieling, M. (2021). Characterizing tongue tremor in Parkinson’s disease using EMA. In M. Tiede, D. H. Whalen, & V. Gracco (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (pp. 80-83). Haskins Press.
Rebernik, T., Jacobi, J., Jonkers, R., Noiray, A., & Wieling, M. (2021). Experimental approaches in electromagnetic articulography. In M. Tiede, D. H. Whalen, & V. Gracco (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (pp. 5-8). Haskins Press.
Bartelds, M., Vries, de, W., Richter, C., Liberman, M., & Wieling, M. (2021). Measuring foreign accent strength using an acoustic distance measure. In M. Tiede, D. H. Whalen, & V. Gracco (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (pp. 17-20). Haskins Press.
Offrede, T. F., Jacobi, J., Rebernik, T., de Jong, L., Keulen, S., Veenstra, P., Noiray, A., & Wieling, M. (2021). The Impact of Alcohol on L1 versus L2. Language and speech, 64(3), 681-692.
de Jong, L., Rebernik, T., Vaziri, S., & Wieling, M. (2021). Using ultrasound tongue imaging to improve L2 English pronunciation in Dutch students. In M. Tiede, D. H. Whalen, & V. Gracco (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (pp. 60-63). Haskins Press.
Janić, M., Rebernik, T., Veenstra, P., Wissink, E., Wieling, M., & Proctor, M. (2021). Vowel production in congenitally blind and sighted Australian English speakers. In M. Tiede, D. H. Whalen, & V. Gracco (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production (pp. 91-95). Haskins Press.
Medvedeva, M., Xu, X., Wieling, M., & Vols, M. (2020). JURI SAYS: An Automatic Judgement Prediction System for the European Court of Human Rights. In S. Villata, J. Harašta, & P. Křemen (Eds.), Legal Knowledge and Information Systems: JURIX 2020: The Thirty-third Annual Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, December 9–11, 2020 (pp. 277-280). (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications; Vol. 334). IOS Press.
Siewert, J., Scherrer, Y., Wieling, M., & Tiedemann, J. (2020). LSDC - A comprehensive dataset for Low Saxon Dialect Classification. In M. Zampieri, P. Nakov, N. Ljubešić, J. Tiedemann, & Y. Scherrer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (pp. 25-35). International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL).


Bartelds, M., Richter, C., Liberman, M., & Wieling, M. (2020). A New Acoustic-Based Pronunciation Distance Measure. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 3, Article 39.
Medvedeva, M., Vols, M., & Wieling, M. (2020). Using machine learning to predict decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. Artificial Intelligence and Law, 28(2), 237-266.
Rousse-Malpat, A., Steinkrauss, R., Wieling, M., & Verspoor, M. (2019). Effecten van typen instructie en hoeveelheid doeltaal in de klas voor het vak Frans in de onderbouw. Levende Talen Tijdschrift, 20(2), 16-26.
Jacobi, J., Rebernik, T., Jonkers, R., Maassen, B., Proctor, M., & Wieling, M. (2019). The Effect of Levodopa on Vowel Articulation in Parkinson's Disease: A Cross-Linguistic Study. In S. Calhoun et al. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 1069-1073). Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc..
Wieling, M., Blankevoort, G., Hukker, V., Jacobi, J., Jong, de, L., Keulen, S., Medvedeva, M., Ploeg, van der, M., Pot, A., Rebernik, T., Veenstra, P., & Noiray, A. (2019). The influence of alcohol on L1 vs. L2 pronunciation. In Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 3622-3626). Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc..


Verspoor, M., Lowie, W., & Wieling, M. (2021). L2 developmental measures from a dynamic perspective. In B. LeBruyn, & M. Paquot (Eds.), Learner Corpora Researchs Meets Second Language Acquisition (pp. 172-190). (Cambridge Applied Linguistics). Cambridge University Press.
Noiray, A., Wieling, M., Abakarova, D., Rubertus, E., & Tiede, M. (2019). Back from the future: Nonlinear anticipation in adults and children's speech. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 62(8S), 3033-3054.
Wieling, M. (2018). Analyzing dynamic phonetic data using generalized additive mixed modeling: a tutorial focusing on articulatory differences between L1 and L2 speakers of English. Journal of Phonetics, 70, 86-116.
Wieling, M., Valls, E., Baayen, R. H., & Nerbonne, J. (2018). Border effects among Catalan dialects. In D. Speelman, K. Heylen, & D. Geeraerts (Eds.), Mixed Effects Regression Models in Linguistics (pp. 71-97). (Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences). Springer.
Medvedeva, M., Vols, M., & Wieling, M. (2018). Judicial decisions of the European Court of Human Rights: looking into the crystall ball. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Legal Studies in Europe 2018
Toral Ruiz, A., Wieling, M., & Way, A. (2018). Post-editing effort of a novel with statistical and neural machine translation. Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 5, 1-11. Article 9.
Wieling, M., Rawee, J., & van Noord, G. (2018). Reproducibility in Computational Linguistics: Are We Willing to Share? Computational Linguistics, 44(4), 641-649.
Nerbonne, J., & Wieling, M. (2018). Statistics for Aggregate Variationist Analyses. In C. Boberg, J. Nerbonne, & D. Watt (Eds.), The Handbook of Dialectology (pp. 400-414). (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics). Wiley-Blackwell.
Veenstra, P., Everhardt, M. K., & Wieling, M. (2018). Vision deprived language acquisition: Vowel production and ASR efficacy. Poster session presented at LabPhon 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.


Jas, E., & Wieling, M. (2018). Providers' competencies positively affect personal recovery of involuntarily admitted patients with severe mental illness: A prospective observational study. International journal of social psychiatry, 64(2), 145-155.
Wieling, M., Sivaraman, G., & Espy-Wilson, C. (2017). Analysis of acoustic-to-articulatory speech inversion across different accents and languages. In Proceedings of Interspeech (pp. 974-978)
Wieling, M., Veenstra, J., Adank, P., & Tiede, M. (2017). Articulatory differences between L1 and L2 speakers of English. In Proceedings of the 11th International Seminar on Speech Production
Wieling, M., Veenstra, J., Adank, P., & Tiede, M. (2017). Articulatory differences between L1 and L2 speakers of English. Poster session presented at 7th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Groningen, Netherlands.
Veenstra, J., & Wieling, M. (2017). Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) efficacy for congenitally blind vs. sighted speech. Poster session presented at TABU Dag , Groningen, Netherlands.
Veenstra, J., Wieling, M., & Horst, C. (2017). Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) software efficacy for congenitally blind vs. sighted speech. Poster session presented at 7th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Groningen, Netherlands.
Veenstra, J., Wieling, M., & Horst, C. (2017). Efficacy of ASR software for congenitally blind speakers (poster prize). Poster session presented at Anéla/VIOT Juniorendag 2017, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Veenstra, J., Wieling, M., & Horst, C. (2017). Efficacy of automatic speech recognition software for congenitally blind speakers. Poster session presented at 12th International Conference by the International Society for Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation, The Hague, Netherlands.
Veenstra, J., Wieling, M., & Horst, C. (2017). Efficacy of Automatic Speech Recognition software for congenitally blind speakers. Poster session presented at 5th International Winterschool Speech production and perception, Chorin, Germany.
Wieling, M., & Montemagni, S. (2017). Exploring the role of extra-linguistic factors in defining dialectal variation patterns through cluster comparison. In From Semantics to Dialectometry: Festschrift in honor of John Nerbonne (pp. 241-251, chapter 25). (Tributes; Vol. 32). College Publications.
Arantzeta Perez, M., Bastiaanse, Y., Burchert, F., Wieling, M., Martinez Zabaleta, M., & Laka, I. (2017). Eye-tracking the effect of word order in sentence comprehension in aphasia: Evidence from Basque, a free word order ergative language. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 32(10), 1320-1343.
Wieling, M., Kroon, M., van Noord, G., & Bouma, G. (Eds.) (2017). From Semantics to Dialectometry: Festschrift in honor of John Nerbonne. (Tributes; Vol. 32). College Publications.
Berends, S., Wieling, M., Sprenger, S., Brouwer, S., & Schmid, M. (2017). How to analyse age effects in electrophysiological signatures of second language grammar processing. Poster session presented at COM 2017, Groningen, Netherlands.
Cimino, A., Wieling, M., Dell'Orletta, F., Montemagni, S., & Venturi, G. (2017). Identifying Predictive Features for Textual Genre Classification: the Key Role of Syntactic Features. In R. Basili, M. Nissim, & G. Satta (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2017 ) (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2006).
Gulbinaite, R., van Viegen, T., Wieling, M., Cohen, M., & vanRullen, R. (2017). Individual alpha peak frequency predicts 10 Hz flicker effects on selective attention. The Journal of Neuroscience, 37(42), 10173-10184.
Wieling, M. (2017). Martin & Emma investigate the Dutch dialect landscape. KNAW, Amsterdam.
Milito, L., Wieling, M., & Montalto, R. (2017). Martin & Emma onderzoeken het Nederlandse dialectlandschap. De Jonge Akademie.
Stec, K., Huiskes, M., Wieling, M., & Redeker, G. (2017). Multimodal character viewpoint in quoted dialogue sequences. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2(1), Article 39.
Nissim, M., Abzianidze, L., Evang, K., van der Goot, R., Haagsma, H., Plank, B., & Wieling, M. (2017). Sharing is Caring: The Future of Shared Tasks. Computational Linguistics, 43(4), 897-904.
Kulmizev, A., Blankers, B., Bjerva, J., Nissim, M., van Noord, G., Plank, B., & Wieling, M. (2017). The Power of Character N-grams in Native Language Identification. In The 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications: Proceedings of the Workshop (pp. 382-389). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).


Irshad, F. M., Keijzer, M., Wieling, M., & Verspoor, M. (2019). Effectiveness of a dynamic usage based computer assisted language program. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(2), 137-162.
Sun, H., Steinkrauss, R., Wieling, M., & de Bot, C. (2018). Individual differences in very young Chinese children’s English vocabulary breadth and semantic depth: Internal and external factors. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(4), 405-425.
Wieling, M., & Tiede, M. (2017). Quantitative identification of dialect-specific articulatory settings. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(1), 389-394.
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