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Autumn 2012

05 October 2012

University of Groningen makes spectacular climb in Times Higher Education ranking

This year the University of Groningen came in 89th place in the Times Higher Education World University Ranking – a spectacular climb of 45 places compared to 2011, when the University came in 134th place. President of the Board of the University Sibrand Poppema is very satisfied with this achievement. ‘International fame is an extremely important aspect with regard to the Times ranking. ’ Read more>

Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu awarded honorary doctorate

‘The capacity to forgive helps people surpass themselves’. That is the key message of the speech given by Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Monday 24 September 2012, when accepting an honorary doctorate from the University of Groningen. The archbishop was awarded the honorary doctorate at the suggestion of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies for his outstanding achievements as chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and his significant social contributions in the field of healthcare. Read more>

3RD ASEM Rectors’ Conference (ARC3) in Groningen

The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), University of Groningen (RUG) and ASEAN University Network (AUN) invited university leaders from Asia and Europe to participate in the 3rd ASEM Rectors' Conference, which was held from 24-26 September 2012 in Groningen, The Netherlands. The Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) Rectors' Conference is a biennial leadership dialogue established in 2008 aimed at enhancing education co-operation among ASEM countries by providing a platform for higher education policy discussions between the two regions. Read more>
Rector Magnificus Elmer Sterken

Rector Magnificus Elmer Sterken: ‘Make the world sustainable…Yes, we can!’

‘When resolving problems and creating economic growth, scientists, politicians and entrepreneurs are extremely alert, but there’s one innovation that just doesn’t seem to be getting off the ground – sustainability.’ Groningen Rector Magnificus Elmer Sterken promoted research concentrating on the transition to a sustainable society during the opening of the academic year on 3 September. Read more>

University of Groningen's astronomer Peter Barthel: Fireworks in the early universe

Galaxies in the early universe grew fast by rapidly making new stars. Such prodigious star formation episodes, characterized by the intense radiation of the newborn stars, were often accompanied by fireworks in the form of energy bursts caused by the massive central black hole accretion in these galaxies. This discovery by a group of astronomers led by Peter Barthel of the Kapteyn Institute of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands is published today in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. Read more>


The University of Groningen congratulates Epke Zonderland with his Olympic gold medal!

Epke Zonderland has won a gold medal on the high bar in the London Olympics. With a spectacular routine containing a unique release combination, the University of Groningen’s medicine student scored 16.533 in the men’s horizontal high bar final. Read more>

University of Groningen welcomes 1500 international students

On Wednesday 29 August, the University of Groningen welcomed more than 1500 new international students and PhD students. They were officially welcomed with speeches, a lunch and an information market in the Martinikerk and in the Academy Building. Speakers at the Welcoming Ceremony included Elmer Sterken, Rector Magnificus of the University of Groningen, and Frank de Vries, Deputy Mayor of Groningen .

Matthijs Bierman

Matthijs Bierman Alumnus of the Year 2012

Matthijs Bierman, director of Triodos Bank Nederland, has been elected Alumnus of the Year 2012 by the University of Groningen. The award will be presented to him on 3 September by Rector Magnificus Elmer Sterken, during the official Opening of the Academic Year in the University’s Academy Building. Read more>

Unifocus, our online magazine

In this first October edition: The official opening of this international expertise centre for teaching, research and innovation on Energy, 14 new Rosalind Franklin Fellows inaugurated during a festive ceremony in the Aula, Desond Tutu's honorary doctorate.

Upcoming International Meetings

  • October 23 Alumni Networking Reception in Zurich
  • November 1 The University of Groningen in Geneva
  • November 22 The University of Groningen in Hong Kong
  • November 29 Alumni Networking in Paris
  • December 4, 6 Sinterklaas in Berlin & Frankfurt

Did you know?

  • The University of Groningen features high on the list of 2012 Best Places to Work in Academia. Read more >
  • During the ASEM student Forum on 24 September, a number of students connected with University's and businesses from their home country and laid the basis for future cooperations.
  • The Economics and Business student Faculty association (EBF) celebrated their 5 year lustrum in the week of 21 September to 1 October, featuring several career events.


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