Epigenetic Editing
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It is becoming increasingly clear that many diseases are associated with aberrant gene expression profiles. In the group of Epigenetic Editing, agents are constructed to target functional domains to specific DNA sequences to address epigenetic mutations:
Epigenetics refers to the study of heritable changes in gene expression that occur without a change in the sequence of the DNA. DNA methylation and posttranslational modifications of the histones (DNA-packaging proteins), are well known for affecting gene expression levels. For an increasing list of diseases, abnormalities in gene expression have been linked to aberrant levels of DNA methylation and disturbed profiles of histone modifications (epimutations).
In contrast to genetic mutations, epimutations are reversible. Current drugs targeting epigenetic enzymes show re-expression of silenced genes, thereby revealing new therapeutic targets. However, epigenetic drugs act non-selectively and transiently. In our team, DNA sequence specific domains Zinc Finger Proteins and Triplex Forming Oligos are engineered to achieve gene-specific targeting in the human genome. These agents then target the fused epigenetic enzymes specifically to the gene of interest.
The Epigenetic Editing team aims to develop targeted rewriters of epigenetic marks as a novel approach towards permanent normalisation of specific aberrantly expressed genes.
Development of gene-specific tools to permanently modulate gene expression levels or to correct genetic mutations.
Outreach includes:
- 33e Nascholing aan de Maas; Stichting KOEL- Epigenetica
- Bionieuws; Interview Prof. Rots - Op weg naar een curable genome.
- Paradisolezing 19 April 2015
- Webinar Abcam March 12th 2015
- Studium Generale Groningen 2015
- Abcam Epigenetic Editing webinar by Prof Rots
- NVvP Publieksacademie 2014
- Webinar Epigenetic Editing
- Animation on Epigenetics and oxidative stress http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX7223vfefQ
- Persbericht Paradisolezing 2013
- Epigenetica en het bouwplan van ons lichaam Flyer Paradisolezing 26 mei 2013 door Marianne Rots
- Genen fluisteren of schreeuwen in een levenslang concert NRC artikel
- Fundamenteel (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Parodontologie), september 2014
Contact information:
Prof.dr. Marianne G. Rots
Department of Pathology and Medical Biology
University Medical Center Groningen
Hanzeplein 1
9713 GZ Groningen
tel: +31 50 361 0153 (+31 50 361 8043, secr.)
Email: Marianne Rots

Last modified: | 06 March 2019 2.48 p.m. |