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About us Medical Sciences Education Medicine Introduction first year students Medicine 2023-2024
University Medical Center Groningen

Introduction Programme

Introduction program from the RUG for all students

At the start of the programme, several introduction activities are organized. We strongly encourage you to participate, in order to make a solid start in Groningen and be optimally informed about your degree programme.

  • All new international students are invited to attend the Welcoming Ceremony of our university on

    on the 29th of August. During this festive event, you will receive important information to ensure a pleasant stay in Groningen and have the chance to sign in for the ESN introductionweek.

  • KEI-week: the KEI-week is the introduction week for students of the Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Academie Verloskunde Groningen en Stenden Hogeschool. In one week you will get to know the city, student organizations and your new life!

Introduction Panacea

Every year the Panacea Introduction Committee (PanIC) organizes the introduction for all first-year medical students. This year the Introduction day will take place on the 31st of August. The introduction camp will take place from 31st of August – 2nd of September. Details and instructions are provided on their website.

Introduction Faculty of Medical Sciences

The Faculty of Medicine organizes a faculty introduction for all first-year Bachelor Medicine students on the 4th of September. More information about the time and location can be found on

Last modified:04 July 2024 2.28 p.m.
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