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UCG Research Seminar: AI in research, education, and policy

When:We 29-11-2023 15:00 - 17:00
Where:Hoendiepskade 23/24, Groningen, room 121
Dr. Wittingslow, Ritu Manuvie and Simon Friederich
Dr. Ryan Mitchell Wittingslow, Dr. Ritu Manuvie and Dr. Simon Friederich

The UCG Research Seminar series is dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary discussions and sharing innovative research within our faculty. During our next session, Simon Friederich (UCG), Ritu Manuvie (UCG), and Ryan Mitchell Wittingslow (UCG) will each present short papers on topics related to AI in research, education, and policy.

Simon Friederich will argue that minor fixes to existing norms for academic writing and publishing will likely be insufficient as AI systems become equally or more capable than humans in more and more aspects of analytic reasoning. He will consider what a more convincing development of those norms might look like in the era of advanced AI.

Ritu Manuvie will examine what is happening at the policy level with AI legislation and the UN advisory committee. In addition, she will reflect upon AI lobbying, and how it will shape the near and long term future in context of power dynamics of policy systems.

Ryan will present a précis of the Senior Comenius project that he is developing with Benjamin Bewersdorf. This project concerns the threat posed by LLMs to existing information literacy norms and practices.

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