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Research Seminar: "Digitizing Tales of Wisdom - Sharing the Wisdom of the Other (DigiFolk+)"

When:We 25-10-2023 15:00 - 17:00
Where:Hoendiepskade 23/24, Groningen, room 121
Maria Ioannou, University College Groningen
Maria Ioannou, University College Groningen

The UCG Research Seminar series is dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary discussions and sharing innovative research within our faculty. On 25 October 2023 our colleague Maria Ioannou will present their paper "Digitizing Tales of Wisdom - Sharing the Wisdom of the Other (DigiFolk+)"

A brief abstract for the talk is as follows:

The Erasmus+ project DigiFolk aims at collecting, curating, and disseminating folktales of less visible communities living in four cities: Ankara, Belgrade, Nicosia and Groningen. The goal is to expose the inhabitants of the participating cities, especially individuals belonging to more dominant groups to the (folk) wisdom of the o/Other as a form of a window the o/Other's values, beliefs, and worldviews. 

I will be presenting the DigiFolk with three aims in mind: (i) to showcase how synergies between teaching and research can be created and accommodated within Erasmus+ projects - DigiFolk was inspired by existing UCG projects and is now feeding back into them. It also links to my own research in intergroup relations and more specifically interventions to reduce prejudice; (ii) to illustrate how interdisciplinarity benefits this project; and finally (iii) to outline potential research questions inspired by this Digifolk (Digifolk+). The latter also constitutes an invitation for collaboration with UCG colleagues.

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