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About us University College Groningen Education Exchange (Study Abroad) Testimonials

Ines Veldkamp

Universidad de Antioquia in Medellín, Colombia

Trip to Guatapé
Trip to Guatapé

What did you study at the Universidad de Antioquia?

History of Colombia (20th century), history of Latin America (colonisation until independence wars), and history of the United States (colonisation 18th century). I really enjoyed the first two subjects because I learned a lot: I didnt have any socio-political knowledge about Colombia or Latin America.

Why’d you choose to go to Colombia?

My only requirement was a Spanish speaking country, because studying languages is what I love and Spanish was at the top of my list. I had already studied Latin for six years and I really loved that. I had two options: Chile or Colombia. Basically any person that I asked for advice told me that I should go to Chile, because it would be 'safer' or more developed already. Something told me I should go for Colombia, it just felt really good. I was simply too attracted to and interested in that country. And indeed..., choosing Colombia was the best decision I've made. I believe in the fact that you should only go on exchange if you already have a strong preference for what you want to get out of it. Then it should be quite easy to select your country.

Fountain on campus
Fountain on campus

What is the most valuable thing you learned while on exchange?

A LOT, ESPECIALLY ABOUT LIFE!!! Living with two Colombian guys was the best thing that had happened to me. This is because they both taught me, most importantly, the Spanish language (of course with all the Colombian slang and dialects), but also about the culture, the food, the people, and so forth. They were basically my private guides who have become my best friends now. So the lesson from this is that you should always get into contact with locals, then you get the most out of your exchange granted that you are always open to learn anything new.

Another thing that I faced every single day and that really stuck with me is the fact that many Colombians really do not have a lot of money or goods, however, they are the happiest people I have met. I think that could be an important lesson for Dutch, or North-European people in general. I really miss that here and that is sad. It made me realise how good of a life we have. I respect everything I have a lot more now, I even felt ashamed in Colombia to be honest.

The public university I was attending started striking in september, because the government gave less and less money to all the 35 public universities in Colombia. This would result in the closing of many universities. The government does this, because they don't want students to develop critical thinking (all that UCG is basically), instead they only provide money to private universities where economic sectors are stimulated that generate money for the country. All students and professors of the public universities did not have or give classes, instead they were marching and protesting against the government and to raise awareness. This experience taught me a lot about how a country's education system can be completely disfunctional. The emotions of the students and professors really stuck with me and I won't forget this ever in my life. Eventually it was arranged that exchange students could continue with private classes, which taught me a lot because it is intense and personal (so no worries about my work, it was all sorted).

Last modified:24 January 2025 09.59 a.m.