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Julia Doornbos, MSc

Julia Doornbos, MSc.
Julia Doornbos, MSc.

Cultural Geography

I am a a lecturer and postdoctoral researcher at University College Groningen, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. My esearch interests tend to revolve around everyday places and experiences of in- and exclusion; senses of belonging; memory work; diaspora and (forced) migration. Aside from these themes, I am interested in ethics, reflexivity, positionality and participatory/decolonizing approaches within qualitative research. 

I received my PhD in 2023, which focused on the postcolonial everyday geographies of Indo-European families across the Netherlands. Aside from academic output, I worked together with the families from the research to write a book, as a collection of their histories and experiences. This project has received an Open Research Award 2022 from the University of Groningen. As a postdoctoral researcher, I am part of an NWO project (SGW Open Competition M Social Sciences), which explores and analyses everyday experiences of being and becoming disabled, using a community- and arts-based participatory research approach (with dr. Bettina van Hoven and Julia Munuera Garcia). 


Doornbos, J. R. (2023). The Postcolonial Present: everyday geographies of the Indo-European diaspora. [Thesis fully internal (DIV), University of Groningen]. University of Groningen.


Doornbos, J. R. (2022). Geworteld: een alledaagse geschiedenis van Indische generaties in Nederland.
Doornbos, J. R., van Hoven, B., & Groote, P. D. (2022). Negotiating claims of ‘whiteness’: Indo-European everyday experiences and ‘mixed-race’ identities in the Netherlands. Social Identities, 28(3), 383-399.


Doornbos, J., van Hoven, B., & Groote, P. (2023). “We have a shared history”: roots travel to Indonesia across Indo-European generations. Tourism Geographies, 25(2-3), 865-880.
Doornbos, J. R., & Dragojlovic, A. (2022). ‘The past should not affect the children’: intergenerational hauntings in the homes of Indo-European families. Gender, Place and Culture, 29(8), 1141-1161.


Doornbos, J., & Rauws, W. (2018). DE LEEFTIJDSVRIENDELIJKE WIJK: Een verkenning met het Groningse Beijum als casus. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
van den Bemt, V., Doornbos, J., Meijering, L., Plegt, M., & Theunissen, N. (2018). Teaching ethics when working with geocoded data: a novel experiential learning approach. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 42(2), 293-310.


van den Bemt, V., Doornbos, J., Meijering, L., Plegt, M., & Theunissen, N. (2017). Vertrouwelijke informatie op straat: Ethische lessen door werken met GPS-tracking in het universitaire geografieonderwijs. Geografie, 26(2), 16-18.
Last modified:27 May 2024 3.33 p.m.