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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. ing. M.M. (Martine) Goedendorp

dr. ing. M.M. (Martine) Goedendorp

Universitair Docent


My expertise lies in the field of psychosocial intervention research that improve health in broad sense. Healthy aging not only involves prevention and curing diseases. People aging successfully are individuals who have the ability to adapt and self manage in the face of social, physical, and emotional challenges. The  Self-Management of Well-being interventions have demonstrated to be effective, and I’m currently working on projects to make these interventions more widely available and suitable for a larger group of older individuals. A one-minute video giving an impression of the Community Wise intervention can be found here. Citizens initiatives, policy makers, and health and social care organisations need to take a facilitating role to realize this.

I have a background in social and health psychology and received my PhD in 2011 in the field of cognitive behavioral interventions for cancer-related fatigue. As a postdoc I  broadened my expertise to fatigue in other illnesses, such as type 1 diabetes mellitus, kidney transplant recipients and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Overige functies

Bestuurslid van het Expertisecentrum Sociale Wetenschappen, gezondheid en welzijn
Laatst gewijzigd:27 februari 2025 12:49



Universitair Docent
Ma. Di. Wo. Do. Vr.