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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons K.U. (Katja) Loos, Prof


Biobased Networks from Lignin/Cellulose via Diels-Alder Click Chemistry

Durable and High-Performance Triboelectric Nanogenerator Based on an Inorganic Triboelectric Pair of Diamond-Like-Carbon and Glass

Effect of Polyelectrolyte Charge Density on the Linear Viscoelastic Behavior and Processing of Complex Coacervate Adhesives

Effects of the Amylose/Amylopectin Ratio of Starch on Borax-Crosslinked Hydrogels

Enhancing the CO2/CH4 Separation Properties of Cellulose Acetate Membranes Using Polyethylene Glycol Methyl Ether Acrylate Radiation Grafting

Enzymatic bulk synthesis, characterization, rheology, and biodegradability of biobased 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)furan polyesters

Enzymatic synthesis of biobased aliphatic-hetero-aromatic furanic copolyesters: Influence of furan dimethyl ester isomerism

Enzymatic Synthesis of Copolyesters with the Heteroaromatic Diol 3,4-Bis(hydroxymethyl)furan and Isomeric Dimethyl Furandicarboxylate Substitutions

Innovative Approaches for Manufacturing Epoxy-Modified Wood and Cellulose Fiber Composites: A Comparison between Injection Molding and 3D Printing

Macromolecular design for biobased polymers

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Zijn nageldrogers kankerverwekkend?

In dit Emmense laboratorium komen alle onderwijsniveaus samen

Electronicele purtabile din amidon ar putea produce mai puține deșeuri

Starch yields wearable electronics material that can be recycled

Wearable electronics from starch to prevent e-waste

Wearable electronics could soon be made with a starch-based material to prevent e-waste

‘Plasticvrije’ kauwgom bevat gewoon plastic: ‘Zelfde scheikundige samenstelling’

Tweedehands olie kan de kloof naar de chemiereuzen nog lastig overbruggen

Kunststofcluster in Noord-Nederland zet volop in op circulaire plastic-keten

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