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Cluster Wiskunde

Bezoekadres:Nijenborgh 9
9747 AG Groningen


Boer, A.J.C. de
Student Affairs Officer cluster Mathematics
Bonnema, K., MA
Studieadviseur Computing Science
Brouwer, N.M., MA
Opleidingscoördinator Computing Science
Drent, I.
Opleidingscoördinator BSc & MSc Artificial Intelligence & MSc Computational Cognitive Science
Horsting, N., MSc
Opleidingscoördinator (Technische) Wiskunde
Kaaij, dr. ir. R.M. van der
Academic Advisor MSc Artificial Intelligence and MSc Computational Cognitive Science
Medema, drs. L.
Academic advisor Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Meulman, dr. N.
Teamhoofd cluster Mathematics
Reker, H.H.
Programme Assistant (Applied) Mathematics and Systems & Control/Programme Assistant Board of Examiners (Applied) Mathematics and Systems & Control
Smit-Hobbs, J.M., MA
Studieadviseur Bachelor Kunstmatige intelligentie
Vermist, T.J., MSc
Studieadviseur BSc. Artificial Intelligence & BSc. Computing Science
Wolffram, M.J.
Programme Assistant AI, CCS en IEM
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