
For information about Target Field Lab activities, please contact:
Maddalena Munari
Tel: 050 36 34036
Target Field Lab goes social!
The planetarium is a spin-off of the Target project, a large public-private collaboration on Big Data of the Kapteyn Institute, the CIT, Bernoulli Institute of the RUG and various companies. The DOTliveplanetarium is operated in a collaboration between RUG and DOT and is also a facility of the current Target Field Lab Mining Big data.
If you are organizing a RUG event at the DOTliveplanetarium (conferences, seminars, public lectures, etc.) and you are interested to know details about hosting your event, please contact:

Marlies van de Weijgaert
Tel: 050 36 37027
for planetarium shows on Tuesday evenings or scientific events
- Maddalena Munari for special events

Last modified: | 07 September 2023 3.37 p.m. |